
Submitted by , posted on 26 February 2002
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So here's my first IOTD submission -- my "it's been done millions of times
before" ray-tracer! It contains the standard features:
polygons (well, only triangles, but easy to convert to any convex polygon)
ambient light
point lights
spot lights
soft shadows
reflections (can set level of diffusion)
texture mapping
bump mapping
It's written in C++ and uses OpenGL. Wrote it under Windows, but since it
uses OpenGL don't see why it wouldn't work under other OSes. In fact, if
you're so inclined you can pick up a copy of the code at
http://www.geocities.com/b_betts/pics/raytracer/raytracer.html. If you've
ever wanted to write cool ray-tracer effects but are too lazy to do the
basics, now's your chance!
-Buddy Betts