
Submitted by , posted on 25 February 2001
Image Description, by

Were going to be releasing a "screenshot a day" from our game
Everglade Rush, until a 'certain' video card
company launches their
next gen video card (*ahem* MacWorld *cough cough*), on the PC
platform. At that time we WILL be releasing a demo of Everglade Rush
for everyone to
download and play! The attached screenshot is running in real-time on
this "next gen" video card, however the demo we release is fully
playable on practically
every video card.
This pic demonstrates perpixel lighting (all the hovers down in the
valley), perpixel cubemapping (realistic, accurate refracted
reflections, using programmable
vertex and pixel programs all in realtime), and the sick poly counts you
can expect from our game. There's lots of other great graphical
features in our engine
that aren't displayed in this pic, but we'll leave that for tomorrow :)
Were under NDA to not mention the video card's name, but hopefully you
can figure out which card I'm referring to :p
-Nathan d'Obrenan