
Submitted by , posted on 24 February 2001
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Here are some screenshots from my Psion game called ZherØes. It's a
tactical action game where you must move your soldiers to strategical places
and kill your opponent's soldiers with a bazooka, grenades, a shotgun or
TNT. Bazooka missiles are influenced by the wind, grenades bounce against
the walls and TNT is extremely deadly. All bombs make holes in the landscape
so if you play for a while the landscape is really destroyed. You can play
with up to four players and you can control eight soldiers per team.
My beta version includes one character, the snail, but I'm also going to
make a turtle, a snake and a frog. I also have to add some more landscapes
and sound effects. The game can be controlled with the keys or with the
touch screen. If you would like to see more screenshots or try the game
please visit my homepage.
It's possible to try the game on your PC. There's a EPOC emulator on the Symbian site but it's difficult to install
it and the download size is very big. You can always mail me and I'll tell you what to do.
It's also interesting if you're thinking about buying a Psion.