
Submitted by , posted on 24 February 2003
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Well, another landscape demo :-) Let me just inform you quickly what
my piece of work is capable to do:
standard skybox, uninteresting ;-)
renders large landscapes with dynamic LOD - I'm using GeoMipmapping here ...
quadtree for frustum culling
the demo uses a static vertexbuffers + a dynamic indexbuffer for each 129x129 chunk ...
LOD is computed for each 33x33 chunk based on the distance to the camera
LOD of chunks, which go more into the direction of being flat, is scaled down - the second screenshot shows that pretty well ...
the borders between chunks of different level of detail are tesselated in such a way, that almost no gaps occur -> there are still some minor problems ...
the screenshots are based on a 1024x1024 heightmap with unique textures for each 128x128 patch, + a detail texture applied; rendered @ 32bit in a 800x600 window
runs at an average fps-count of 70 on my ole crappy 'puter ( PIII 450, GeForce 2 MX 400 <- *ouch* )
people that were as kind as to test the demo reported fps ranging from around 250(Geforce 4) to 60(Voodoo 3) - so it's pretty much optimized and let's room for other additions!
I still have no clue whether to build a small game around this landscape-engine or just keep it improving with no particular aim in mind ;-)
Stephan Reiter