
Submitted by , posted on 21 February 2000
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot from my engine. It's a general purpose engine. Some of
the current features:
directx, opengl
in/out scenes
scene graph
ambiante light
moving skies
moon, sun
textures caching
terrain genration
layered textures
particle system
3D picking
everything can be dynamic, no compiled level
scene describing langage
3ds model importer
TGA textures importer
powerful texture mapper tool (with boning system)
Up to 150 000 (hundred thousand !) triangles per frame at 20fps on a K6-2 400 - TNT2
For more questions, write me at jeckl_@club-internet.fr.
(NOTE for the french: I'm looking for a job in 3D programming ...)