
Submitted by , posted on 20 February 2005
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This picture shows the latest version of the RealStorm Realtime Raytracing
engine. Actually we are working on the RealStorm Global Illumination Bench
2005, which should be released in summer 2005.
The house part shows the actual engine at 640x360 (16:9) with a house scene
created with CSG objects. It uses 8 volume lightsources. (You may notice the
soft shadows). (The actual framerate of 6.52 fps was taken on my Athlon64
3400+, 512MB-333Mhz.)
The second part (bottom) of the picture shows our actual version of the
realtime global illumination renderer. We have chosen a Cornell Box
variation which is with global illumination on the left and without global
illumination on the right.
In all scenes any object and any lightsource is movable/resizeable without
losing performance (no precalculated tables, any table is calculated per
frame to keep it realtime and flexible). The engine actually uses Monte
Carlo raytracing to do the global illumination parts. We hope to get a
little more performance soon ;-)
If you like, you may check http://www.realstorm.com where we just released a
15MB movie preview, of what will be in the benchmark.
Michael Piepgras (TTS)
Engine Programming