
Submitted by , posted on 14 February 2001
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of my landscape engine. I decided to post this in
response to a previous IOTD posting,
where the submitter commented on the fact that it's the quality of the
texture mapping which makes or breaks a landscape engine.
My landscape engine only has a simple static binary triangle tree LOD
system, much like ROAM but without the dynamic LOD depending on how far away
the particular part of the landscape is. It may seem pointless to have LOD
which doesn't depend on distance, but I wasn't happy with the idea of the
landscape morphing around before your eyes as you move across it. Also the
WHOLE landscape is drawn every frame, so I needed some way of reducing the
detail in large flat areas of land (this is shown in the corner). One final
advantage is that you can specify how many triangles you want the landscape
to consist of and the LOD system does that, within about 10 triangles.