
Submitted by , posted on 12 February 2004
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Hi, my name is Stefan Zingel and I'm a former student of the course "Multimedia Computer Science" at the University of
Applied Sciences in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
As an important part of my diploma thesis, I conceived and programmed "SolidShaderTool" - a development environment for
vertex & pixel shader effects. It's main features are:
Integration of all relevant shader parameters and preferences into
one intuitive graphical user interface
Live preview of rendered shader effects for testing purpose
Unlimited number of shader effects and meshes/subsets possible
Management of matrices, vectors, colors and textures
Instant control over all parameters/settings of the DirectX 8.1 API
Ability to save & restore both effect and workspace settings
3D Studio Max^(TM) plug-in to export geometry in a proprietary
data format
Examples of shader effects (bump mapping, phong shading, cartoon
shading etc.) provided
The screenshot above shows some shader effects (diffuse & specular Dot3 bump mapping, phong shading, cartoon shading,
"holo" silhouette rendering) implemented with SolidShaderTool and a picture of the application surface itself with
several dialog windows opened.
SolidShaderTool is written in C++ and utilizes the MFC classes for the GUI elements and the DirectX 8.1 API for
rendering. Ok - Version 8.1 is a bit out-of-date, but I will port the rendering functions to DX 9 soon ...
For detailed information and more screenshots, check out the homepage at www.solidshadertool.de ...
Feel free to download your own copy of SolidShaderTool, if you want to try it out by yourself.
Any comments are always welcome,
Stefan Zingel