
Submitted by , posted on 21 January 2004
Image Description, by

Here is another shot of nexuiz in action. I sent a iotd to flipcode about 3 months ago,
and got great responses, so I thought I'd send another one.
Nexuiz is a 3d deathmatch game being developed over the net, using highly modified
quake1 technology. It uses Quake3BSP, bumpmapping, realtime shadows (but due
to problems might not make it into the final product).
It is currently in the beta stage, as most of the levels and characters are complete but
they require tweaking.
Nexuiz also runs on Linux, and is completely open source.
The site for nexuiz is here: http://www.alientrap.com/games/nexuiz
You can always post on the forums for nexuiz here: http://www.alientrap.com/board/