
Submitted by , posted on 10 February 2003
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These are screenshots from a project called "stuntcar racer 2001".
The aim of the project was to create a remake of the classic
StuntCarRacer from Geoff Crammond.
You can download the game at http://stud.fh-wedel.de/~stuntcar/download.html
There are binaries for Windows and Linux. There was a
BeOS-Version also but I can't find it anymore.
The physics relies on a mass-spring-model and to accelerate the
collision-detection a quadtree is used. An octree wasn't neccerary
because the track never crosses itself (no tunnels).
The graphics-API is OpenGL. For the platform-independance
GLUT is used. There is a SDL-version also.
There is no sound.
There is no AI implemented, but you can record your own laps
and race against yourself. Recorded drivers are given in four
flavours: bad, normal, good, excellent.
To record the laps each keypress is recorded with a timestamp.
Unfortunately you can't exchange the files between different
binaries. It seems to be that an error in the physics accumulates,
so that the car is at the wrong position for the replayed
controlcommands. This can be caused by a slightly different
floatingpoint-code caused by different compiler-settings,
different compilers or different libraries.
If a float-value is internally cached by the FPU it is stored with
an higher precision and the result of the next computation not exactly
the same as it would be without the cache.
The game was a project during my studies of media-information science
at the University of Applied Sciences, Wedel - Germany.
This project was done in 2001 by Klas Kalass,
Christian Finckler, Claus Praefcke -who later ported it to
an IRIX-system to play the game in a VR-cave - and
me, Bjoern Gdanietz.
The car-model is based on a high-resolution model, designed
by Dan Schmidt, Olaf Ross and Bjoern Gdanietz.
-Bjoern Gdanietz-