
Submitted by , posted on 09 February 2003
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot from my pre-alpha project Far Colony, a game of
space exploration and colonization in the 23th century. The screen shows
the user interface with the main view in opengl which contains the orbital
objects of the current planetary system and the selected planetoid
object at the center. To the left there's the main information panel.
This game is made with Delphi and GLScene for all the opengl parts. It
uses for all star systems the data calculated by a generator created
also in delphi, the result of a work based on variable sources as the old
software accrete for example.
The game will be freeware but no download is available for the moment
until a playable beta is out.
All the code and graphics are made by myself except for the textures of
the planets who comes from various sources.
You can visit Far Colony site at
for the english version and
for the french version.
For any comments you can mail me here: far_colony@hotmail.com