
Submitted by , posted on 06 February 2001
Image Description, by

Hi there Flipcoders,
My IOTD from September, 17, 2000 featured old ICE snapshots. Here are brand new
- The first row shows 3 pics from a Quake-like world. No special features there,
just the engine warming up.
- The two first pics from the second row show the rigid body simulator in
action. That one is currently simple, using convex polytopes only and shameful
penalty methods. Anisotropic lighting and shadow volumes make the first snapshot
more attractive. On the second one nonetheless, you can notice the nice trails
showing the path of one of the cube's vertex. The first version (not the best, I
must update that zip) is still available here:
- The third row begins with a purely eye-candy effect: realtime glow. On the
left you can see a dynamic procedural texture (Perlin turbulence), used on the
right to make the glow nicer. To do this I just compute the silhouette of the
cylinder (using the same code as for shadow volumes) then extrude it in a radial
way. Dumb, looks nice, what the hell ?
- The bumpy sphere is a test of displaced subdivision surfaces, as presented by
Hugues Hoppe (SIGGRAPH2000) and Tom Forsyth (WGDC2000). I use the Butterfly
scheme, even if this is useless here. The displacement map is a simple noise
map. Don't miss Tom's presentation, here:
- Last but not least, the lady is an attempt to mix several techniques together:
skinning, progressive meshes, subdivision surfaces, IK, cloth and hair
simulation and cool shaders. Coding those techniques separately is not "too
difficult", but actually making them work together can be *very* painful... Work
in progress. There's about 200.000 faces in the model, which explains the
somewhat low framerate (on a Celeron 500Mhz + GeForce) .... You can also have a
closer look there: http://www.codercorner.com/NextGen.jpg
As always, everything was exported from MAX with Flexporter