
Submitted by , posted on 03 February 2002
Image Description, by

Not an incredibly exiting image, but this is real-time, incredibly fast
motion blur in action. :) I assure you it looks awesome moving, although I
cant release any binaries due to the nature of the project, sorry. :P
Incredibly easy to do, all you need to do is disable clearing the Color
buffer and render the scene with a low alpha, like glColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
0.2), and viola! Fast and quite cool looking. :)
Only problem is that the objects become transparent (obviously) but this can
be fixed by sorting and rendering the polygons front to back. And the
problem here is that if you use alpha in any of your textures you'll get
wierd results.
But I'd imagine for in-game cutscenes or merely incredibly fast-paced games
this effect would prove quite handy, since there's almost no performance hit
at all.
Has anyone ever tried this method before? And are there better ways to get
around the 'transparent object' problem? Let me know.