
Submitted by , posted on 04 January 2002
Image Description, by

Well, this is my little contribution to the IOTD. I've had to program a little
application that allows you to describe an L-System for a subject I've got. An
L-System is a kind of grammar that can be used to describe the shape of trees.
The picture shows four trees I've obtained with simple grammars, and this
technique seems to be very powerful. The application has two weeks of life since
I started it, and it was proposed to make us learn a bit of OpenGL, so it's
drawing techniques are pretty awful, but I like the results. (It was my first
experience with OpenGL).
I encourage anybody to download the source code from
http://duero.lab.fi.uva.es/~augurui/p3ig and to improve it. It has a lot to be
done, such as variable width of branches, texturing, etc. In this URL there is a
brief explanation about how to write grammars (in spanish :( ).
Feel free to contact me by e-mail, if you liked it, or if you want to modify
Merry XMas and a happy new year.
PS: The source is for Linux, using LessTif (I had to make it work on a Sun
machine with Motif), and MesaGL. Perhaps you will have to modify the makefile to
compile it....