Image Description, by

Those shotz are from the Nytro engine,NRUN demo player and NytroGene
demo-editor . This demo-system is implemented on top of OpenGL, coded with
BCBuilder 3 (wich rulez at RAD) . The engine is plugin based , a plugin may
be a effect, a special object, a importer etc.
It uses OOP for good hieracly of classes. The engine is feeding from plugin
modules; the plugins are not individual like in 3DSMAX, they are packed into
a special DLL file (.nym) wich contains the exported plugin classes.
So the system is superscalar, u can add new plugins. The demo-editor,
NytroGene has a treeview with the demo's objects: Materials, Textures ,
Sounds , Musics, Scenes (Objects, Lights, Cameras, Effects); a scene is in
my own format (.n3d), a converter from any virtual scene format is provided
in the Toolz menu, anyway until now I've wrote the ASC and the 3DS importer
plugins. Each scene has a timeline, each object/camera/light/effect has
tracks, those tracks controls object's properties, so the posibilities for
animation are many; every object has properties like in Visual Basic. The
music u can play is from any format, and can be syncronized with the demo.
After a demo was made, it will be packed into a .npak file wich can be
played with NRUN, and the .npak is deployed with that player for viewing.
The demo editing is interactive, Flash-like...
Well that's all for today. Ah...almost forgot, free SOURCES , for any kind
of use..