07/01/1999, Introduction

The problem with tech files is knowing where to start... hopefully,
once the ball gets rolling, i'll know what to wibble on about.
You'll probably notice pretty soon that all i ever do is wibble :)
Hopefully you'll be able to get some useful information out of my
tech-files. If not, e-mail Kurt and tell him not to post my stuff

01/05/2002 - A.I., Websites and Voxels
03/05/2001 - State Of The Art Character Animation
01/24/2001 - Alternate Programming Languages
01/11/2001 - The Sound Of Silence
09/20/2000 - Engine prototypes, yet more landscape LOD and hard body physics
07/13/2000 - Good Practice (TM)
06/13/2000 - Revision Week Indeed
04/11/2000 - Escape From Inactivity ;)
01/05/2000 - Generic Shaders
12/03/1999 - Start Of Term: Lots Of Good Intensions :)
10/06/1999 - Dynamic LOD, Landscape Generation and much more...
09/22/1999 - Water Contest Entry: Rendering Raytraced Refraction with 3D Hardware
09/16/1999 - More About Bezier Patches And Fractals
08/11/1999 - The Right Landscape Engine For You!
07/12/1999 - Leftovers From The Contest: Fixing TP7's Runtime Error 200 bug
07/01/1999 - Introduction
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