Using Microsoft DLLs (such as opengl32.dll) With Free Borland Compiler
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Experiencing strange crashes when using OpenGL and
Borland's free compiler (bcc32.exe)?
It is somehow related to floating point exceptions.
Apparently, there is some difference in the way
Microsoft's compiler and Borland's compiler handle
them. I think Microsoft ignores them and Borland
doesn't, but I'm not 100%.
The way to fix this is to tell your app to ignore
them, like so:
#include <floats.h>
_control87( MCW_EM, MCW_EM );
I found various obscure web pages and newsgroup posts
regarding this. It seems that some people had the
same problems with DirectX 5.0. So, it is possible
that this may fix problems with other DLLs besides
opengl32.dll as well.
James Dewar
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.