Sometimes you'll want to work with more than simply hypothetical future
positions in order to determine whether a collision occurred. This happens
when your objects are zipping along, several units of length at a time, and
might pass through something briefly, but not enough to wind up in it. Consider
the following picture:

Suppose if your object was as small as the circle in the picture, and it
moved 10 units each frame. Eventually you might realize that the object is
now on the other side of the wall. What you want is to predict, while the
object is in position 1, whether the object will go through the wall if it's
moved 10 units, and if so, where exactly the object will reach the wall.
Instead of obtaining a solution to this particular problem (with the circle
and the wall), I will present some general methods for solving these kinds
of problems. This is where mathematical thinking begins to really help.
Think of the prediction problem as a problem in time. Two objects are moving
relative to one another. Their positions are functions of time. You want
to know exactly when something happens -- for example if they collide. If
you find the time that happens, you can find their positions and anything
else that depends on time.
What you want is to define some sort of relationship between the two objects
that changes as a function of time. Here's what this kind of prediction problem
would involve. We have:
P1(t), P2(t) |
Positions P1 and P2 of the two objects as functions
of time. (This can be in 1, 2, 3, etc. dimensions) |
R(t) |
The relationship between positions P1 and P2. Since
both P1 and P2 are functions of time,
R(P1(t), P2(t)) can just depend on time. |
n |
Some value that you want the relationship to be. |
If you're a bit confused by the generality of these functions, it's okay.
Basically it's like this:
The position functions can be anything you want. If an object is moving in
a straight line, then you have a linear equation. If you have acceleration,
such as gravity, then you might have a quadratic or cubic equation, etc.
Now you want to express the relationship you want in terms of the positions
of the objects, and the value you want it to be. If you want two circles
to collide, then R(P1, P2) would be the distance between
P1 and P2, squared, and n would be the sum of the radii,
squared. Now that you have expressed the collision conditions in terms
of the object positions, and the object positions in terms of t, then you
can express the entire collision scheme (the conditions) in terms of t. What
you get is an equation that corresponds to: R(t) = n
Once you have that, you can usually solve for t, because R(t) is usually
a polynomial. Thus you get the time at which the collision occurs. It doesn't
even have to be collision, it can be some other event. Up until now you do
everything on paper. What you finally put into your program is one, optimized
line: the equation for t. It looks something like:
t = . . .
Still confused? Let's take a look at some examples.
We have two circles, with centers (x1,y1),
(x2,y2) and radii r1, r2. The radii remain constant,
but the first circle moves (2, 7) in one second, and the other moves (-1,
2) in one second. The question is, will they collide in that second?

From this we have:
P1(t) = (x1 + 2t, y1 + 7t)
P2(t) = (x2 - t, y2 + 2t)
R(t) = [(x1 + 2t) - (x2 - 2t)]2
+ [(y1 + 2t) - (y2 + t)]2 = (x1
- x2 + 3t)2 + (y1 - y2 +
5t)2 =
(x1 - x2)2 + (y1 -
y2)2 + 3t(2x1 - 2x2 +
3t) + 5t(2y1 - 2y2 + 5t) =
[32+52]t2 + 2[3(x1 -
x2) + 5(y1 - y2)]t + [(x1 -
x2)2 + (y1 -
This is a quadratic equation in t. We don't even have to solve it for t,
because the original question was whether the two circles will collide.
So we find the minimum of the function R(t). To do that, we take the derivative
of R(t). We get:
R'(t) = 2[32+52]t + 2[3(x1 -
x2) + 5(y1 - y2)]
And we solve for t1 when R'(t1) = 0 :
t1 = -[3(x1 - x2) + 5(y1
- y2)] / [32+52]
It is at this point in time that the distance is least between the two centers
of the circles. You can visualize this: if the circles start out moving towards
each other, for example, over time the distance will decrease and then increase
steadily (Figure 7).

We're almost done. First, we see if the distance between the circle centers
(squared) at the time t gotten above is less than the sum of the radii (squared).
In other words, we check: R(t1) < (r1 + r2)2
If the distance between the centers smaller than the sum of the radii at
that t, this means the circles collide at that t. Finally, we have to check
whether 0 < t < 1. If the question asked, "will the circles ever collide
if they continue moving this way forever?" we would be done. But the question
asked whether the circles would "collide in that second." Checking whether
t is between 0 and 1 is easy. So, if we've gotten this far, then the circles
will collide.
Actually, if we analyze the method we used to get the answer, we can get
a general solution to the problem of two moving circles. If circle 1 moves
(a1, b1) units per second, and circle 2 moves
(a2, a2) units per second, then the minimum distance
time will be:
(1) t1 = -[(a1 -
a2)(x1 - x2) + (b1 -
b2)(y1 - y2)] / [(a1 -
a2)2 + (b1 - b2)2]
In our example, a1 - a2 = 3 and b1 -
b2 = 5.
In fact, we see that we don't need to know the movements of the circles in
absolute coordinates. We only need to know the movement of the balls
relative to each other. If we take the center of circle 1 to be the
origin, then the equation for t1 can be something like:
(2) t1 = -[ax + by] / [a2 + b2]
Compare this to equation (1).
We have a circle and a line segment going through it. The circle is centered
at (a, b) with radius r. The line segment goes from (x1,
y1) to (x2, y2). Does the line segment intersect
the circle?

Again, we can consider this a time problem. Let's say the line segment
is really a point traveling through time. We have to get the time where the
point is closest to the center of the circle, and see whether at that time
the distance from the point to the circle (squared) is less than the radius
of the circle (squared).
P1(t) = (a, b)
P2(t) = ( x1 + [x2 - x1]t,
y1 + [y2 - y1]t ) -- where t goes
from 0 to 1
In fact, let's use the work we've already done in Example 1. Let's consider
the point to be a circle with radius 0. In that case we make use of equation
t1 = -[(0 - [x2 - x1])(a -
x1) + (0 - [y2 - y1])(b - y2)]
/ [(0 - [x2 - x1])2 + (0 - [y2 -
y1])2] =
[(x2 - x1)(a - x1) + (y2 -
y1)(b - y2)] / [(x2 -
x1)2 + (y2 -
That's it. Solve for t1, and see if it's between 0 and 1. If it
is, plug it into R(t) [which is the distance between P1(t) and
P2(t), squared] and see if it's less than the radius squared.
By the way, if t1 isn't between 0 and 1, that means that an infinite
line would intersect that circle, but not the line segment, which runs from
(x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
Also, if the distances were relative to the center of the circle, then everything
would be shorter to write. Say the circle is centered at (0, 0), has radius
r, and the line segment runs from (x1, y1) to
(x2, y2).
t1 = -[(x2 - x1)x1 +
(y2 - y1)y1] / [(x2 -
x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2]
Note: in this particular case there are easier ways of solving the problem.
To find the minimum distance of a line AB to a point C, one could take a
random point D on the line, and project CD onto the line perpendicular to
AB. The absolute value of the resulting vector would be the minimum distance.
This example is just to illustrate the general method of predicting collisions.
One more example. This time with bounding boxes. We have a dot that travels
from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in
one second. We have a box with its center at (a, b), width w and height h.
Does the dot go through the box? If so, when is it inside the box?

This time we'll set things up a bit differently.
P1(t) = (a, b)
P2(t) = ( x1 + [x2 - x1]t,
y1 + [y2 - y1]t ) -- where t goes
from 0 to 1
We'll have two relationship functions: the horizontal distance from
the center of the box and the vertical distance.
R1(t) = abs( x1 + [x2 -
x1]t - a ) -- the horizontal distance
R2(t) = abs( y1 + [y2 -
y1]t - b ) -- the vertical distance
This time we take no derivatives. Due to the question, we need to find when
the dot enters the box and when it leaves. So we solve for t in the following
R1(t) = w/2
R2(t) = h/2
For the first equation we get two values for t. This is because of the absolute
value operation in R1(t).
t1 = (w/2 - x1 + a) / (x2 -
t2 = -(w/2 + x1 - a) / (x2 -
This is expected. As the dot travels along the line, it will "enter" and
"leave" the horizontal interval of the box. And of course, the path
of the dot cannot be vertical, since then the point would make no horizontal
progress. This is demonstrated by the fact that, on a vertical line, (x2
- x1)=0 and dividing by zero is not allowed.
Similarly, for vertical distance,
t3 = (h/2 - y1 + b) / (y2 -
t4 = -(h/2 + y1 - b) / (y2 -
So we have found the times when the dot "enters" and "leaves" the vertical
interval of the box. (The path of the dot cannot be horizontal, for the same
reasons as stated above.)
We should, as before, check whether t is between 0 and 1. All that remains
after that is to see whether the time intervals (t1,
t2) and (t3, t4) overlap. This can be done
using everyone's favorite intersection lemma:
If t14 and t32 then
the dot enters the box for a period of time on its way from (x1,
y1) to (x2, y2).
Finally, we can get the start and end of this time period. To do that, we
sort t1, t2, t3 and t4 in order
from earliest to latest (or vice versa), and the middle two are the beginning
and end of the time period the dot is inside the box.
So, what you do really depends on what you're looking for. If you want
to find out when the objects begin to collide, then you solve R(t)
= n for t. (You might get more than one t depending on whether R(t) is linear,
quadratic, etc.) If you just want to find out whether the objects
will collide in the future, you can find out when R(t) is at its minimum
by solving for t in R'(t) = 0 and only check that 'minimum' case. The derivative
of R(t) is simpler than R(t); for example, if R(t) is quadratic in t then
R'(t) is linear.