Surface Subdivision Code
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Here is a little library to do surface subdivision!
It uses a simple scheme for surface subdivision: linear subdivision plus
triangle averaging. Despite it's long name it is a simple process.
Unfortunately it doesn't provide as nice subdivision as more advanced
algorithms (ie: Catmull-Clark), but feel free to modify the code if you
really want to.. this algorithm is an approximating, uniform, triangular
scheme. Thus it moves the original points on the mesh, treats each point
the same as all other points, and works on a triangular mesh.
The library was meant to be simple to use (thus it's not fully optimized)
and quite general. Simply pass in triangles to the SS_Surface and it will
reconstruct the mesh (ie: connectedness between triangles). Then call
SS_Surface::Subdivide() and presto-chango! You have a subdivided object.
There's a little sample program included as well.
This code is free for any use, however I'd be interested to know if anyone
uses it, so email me and let me know!
Download Associated File: ss.tar.gz (6,625 bytes)
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.