Multi-level Trace Function
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My submission for a Code of the Day is a trace function as follows:
These two files provide a useful method of logging to a file supporting different levels of output at run time. A source file would include the header and the following code:
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
static char THIS_VERSION[] = "1.0"; |
Then whenever you wish to log something call like this:
TRACEF (TRACE_VERBOSE, ("PageManager ()\n"));
TRACEF (TRACE_ERROR, ("fopen (%s) failed\n", filename));
TRACEF (TRACE_FATAL, ("Out of memory\n")); |
and you would get out like this:
2001-01-09 08:32:25 Trace:d:\proggy\igdi\page.cpp 1.0:44:PageManager ()
2001-01-09 08:32:25 Error:d:\proggy\igdi\map.cpp 1.0:165:fopen (map.dat) failed
2001-01-09 08:32:25 Fatal:D:\proggy\igdi\input.cpp 1.0:114:Out of memory
[date] [time] [role] [file] [version] [line] ... |
Diane Youdale
Currently browsing [trace.zip] (1,162 bytes) - [console.h] - (606 bytes)
/* tab setting : 4
* Console definition
* 6 december 2k fnjordy
* 30 december 2k added trace function
#ifndef __CONSOLE_H
#define __CONSOLE_H
* Global variables
* Global functions
#define TRACEF(r,x) tracef (THIS_FILE, THIS_VERSION, __LINE__, (r)); \
printf x
extern int tracef (char*, char*, int, trace_t);
extern void printf (char*, ...);
extern void init_console (void);
#endif /* __CONSOLE_H */
/* end of file */
Currently browsing [trace.zip] (1,162 bytes) - [console.cpp] - (1,233 bytes)
/* tab setting : 4
* Console definition
* 6 december 2k fnjordy
* 30 december 2k added trace
/* precompiled jism */
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "console.h"
/* locals */
static FILE *fptr;
#define DEBUG_FILE "debug.log"
static char* time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
static char* roles[] = { "Trace",
"Fatal" };
/* code */
tracef (char* this_file,
char* this_version,
int line_number,
trace_t role)
char buffer[1024];
time_t uct_time;
struct tm* display_time;
time (&uct_time);
display_time = localtime (&uct_time);
strftime (buffer, sizeof (buffer), time_format, display_time);
return fprintf (fptr, "%s %s:%s %s:%i:", buffer, roles[role], this_file, this_version, line_number);
printf (char *fmt, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list va;
va_start (va, fmt);
vsprintf (buffer, fmt, va);
va_end (va);
fputs (buffer, fptr);
fflush (fptr);
init_console (void)
if ((fptr = fopen (DEBUG_FILE, "w")) == NULL) {
/* arse */
exit (-1);
/* eof */ |
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.