Matrix Template with Rare Features
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This is a much improved version of a matrix library that I previously
posted to COTD. The previous version supported potentially ambiguous
expressions by having operator* represent both scalar and vector
product, generating the longest recorded discussion for a COTD. That
feature have been removed, the more conventional dot() and cross() are
now used.
In addition to the temporary-free evaluation that was present in the
previous version, there have been performance improvements and some new
features and SSE support have been added.
One new feature that I would assume most of you have never seen before
is "fancy indexing".
New "fake" matrices may be composed of elements from an existing matrix.
matrix<4 A;
vector<4 col(1,0,0,0);
A[c0] = col; // set the first column to 1,0,0,0
A[r1] << 0,1,0,0; // set second row to 0,1,0,0
A[r12,c12] = zero; // set the center four elements to zero |
The same infrastructure is used to enable swizzling of vector elements,
transpose and cofactor operations.
matrix<1,4 transvec;
vector<4 vec;
vector<3 vec3;
vec = transpose(transvec);
vec = transvec[tr]; // same as above
vec[tr] = transvec; // also the same
vec3 = vec[xyw]; // select elements
vec[xyw] = vec3; // works both ways
vec = vec3[z|x|y|y]; // custom swizzling |
Natural operator syntax is still used for the most common operations.
matrix<4 A, B, C; vector<4 u, v, w; // matrix multiplication
(vectors are column matrices) A *= B; C = A * B; u = A * v;
// elementwise operations for vectors
u *= v;
w = v + u;
u /= 5; |
To clear out this before the discussion starts:
The operator syntax does not require any extra (nontrivial) temporaries
and is as efficient as the ugly but apparently popular
C.MatrixMult(A, B); // not supported, not needed |
The only quirk
is that you need a decent compiler.
SSE is now supported when using GCC 3.1, more than doubling the
performance for simple expressions. Without SSE, performance has been
increased by 20% since the last COTD version.
I would appreciate if you people helped me check which compilers can
handle the code, extensive support for templates is needed. All I know
is that GCC 3 works. Don't even bother with Visual C++ 5 and 6, the last
time I tried they choked within the first 50 lines of the declaration
header. If somebody reports that Intel C++ works, I will make sure SSE
will be supported there as well.
The source code is public domain. The latest version will be available
at the SourceForge project
page. (Not up to date yet.)
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/box.h] - (603 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.h>
namespace mathlib {
// axis aligned bounding box
template<int D>
class box {
vector<D> min;
vector<D> max;
box() {}
box(const vector<D> &min_, const vector<D> &max_)
: min(min_), max(max_) {}
box &operator|=(const vector<D> &v) {
for (int i=0; i!=D; ++i)
if (v(i) < min(i))
min(i) = v(i);
else if (v(i) > max(i))
max(i) = v(i);
return *this;
template<int D> inline
box<D> operator|(const box<D> &b, const vector<D> &v) {
box<D> r = b;
return r |= v;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/complex.h] - (163 bytes)
#include <complex>
namespace mathlib {
typedef std::complex<float> complex;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/line.h] - (295 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.h>
namespace mathlib {
template<int D>
class line {
vector<D> base;
vector<D> direction;
line() {}
line(const vector<D> &r, const vector<D> &v)
: base(r), direction(v) {}
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/mathconf.h] - (708 bytes)
// detects defects and features of the compiler
// g++
#if __GNUG__
// unaliased references are supported in g++, use them
# define MATHLIB_RESTRICT __restrict
# if __GNUG__ < 3
# endif
# endif
# endif
// work around libstdc++-v2 defects
# endif
# endif
// unaliased references does not appear to be supported
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/mathdefs.h] - (697 bytes)
// constants
#include <mathlib/mathconf.h>
# include <float.h>
# include <limits>
namespace mathlib {
const float pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
const float ln_2 = 0.693147180559945309417;
const float epsilon = FLT_EPSILON;
const float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
struct identity_t {};
struct zero_t {
operator float() const { return 0.f; }
// absence of geometry.
struct nothing {};
// typeless multiplicative identity
const identity_t identity = identity_t();
// typeless zero
const zero_t zero = zero_t();
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/matrix.h] - (10,908 bytes)
// class definitions for matrix and vector
#include <mathlib/mathconf.h>
#include <mathlib/mathdefs.h>
#include <mathlib/simd/config.h>
namespace mathlib {
class float_keeper;
template<class D, class S> struct assign_dispatch;
template<class I> struct matrix_indexer;
template<class Op, class A> struct matrix_unop;
template<class I> struct unop_index;
template<class I> struct unop_cindex;
template<class A> class tmatrix;
template<int R, int C> class matrix;
// representation of matrices
template<int Rows, int Cols>
class matrix_storage {
float m_data[Cols][Rows];
float &operator()(int r, int c) { return m_data[c][r]; }
float operator()(int r, int c) const { return m_data[c][r]; }
float *data() { return &m_data[0][0]; }
const float *data() const { return &m_data[0][0]; }
class matrix_storage<3, 3> {
float m_data[3][3];
float &operator()(int r, int c) { return m_data[c][r]; }
float operator()(int r, int c) const { return m_data[c][r]; }
float *data() { return &m_data[0][0]; }
const float *data() const { return &m_data[0][0]; }
float m_filler;
class matrix_storage<4, 4> {
float m_data[4][4];
float &operator()(int r, int c) { return m_data[c][r]; }
float operator()(int r, int c) const { return m_data[c][r]; }
float *data() { return &m_data[0][0]; }
const float *data() const { return &m_data[0][0]; }
// specializations for vectors
template<int Rows>
class matrix_storage<Rows, 1> {
float m_data[Rows];
float &operator()(int r, int) { return m_data[r]; }
float operator()(int r, int) const { return m_data[r]; }
float &operator()(int r) { return m_data[r]; }
float operator()(int r) const { return m_data[r]; }
float *data() { return m_data; }
const float *data() const { return m_data; }
class matrix_storage<2, 1> {
union { float x; float s; };
union { float y; float t; };
float &operator()(int r, int) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r, int) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float &operator()(int r) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float *data() { return &x; }
const float *data() const { return &x; }
void assign(float a, float b) { x = a; y = b; }
class matrix_storage<3, 1> {
union { float x; float s; float r; };
union { float y; float t; float g; };
union { float z; float u; float b; };
float &operator()(int r, int) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r, int) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float &operator()(int r) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float *data() { return &x; }
const float *data() const { return &x; }
void assign(float a, float b, float c) { x = a; y = b; z = c; }
matrix_storage() {}
matrix_storage(const matrix_storage &);
matrix_storage &operator=(const matrix_storage &);
float m_filler;
class matrix_storage<4, 1> {
union { float x; float s; float r; };
union { float y; float t; float g; };
union { float z; float u; float b; };
union { float w; float v; float a; };
float &operator()(int r, int) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r, int) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float &operator()(int r) { return (&x)[r]; }
float operator()(int r) const { return (&x)[r]; }
float *data() { return &x; }
const float *data() const { return &x; }
void assign(float a, float b, float c, float d)
{ x = a; y = b; z = c; w = d; }
matrix_storage() {}
matrix_storage(const matrix_storage &);
matrix_storage &operator=(const matrix_storage &);
// the type most matrix operations work with. subclass tmatrix<basic_matrix>
// to make your own matrix type. do not use basic_matrix directly
template<int Rows, int Cols>
class basic_matrix : public matrix_storage<Rows, Cols> {
static const int rows = Rows;
static const int columns = Cols;
static const bool is_storage = true;
static const bool is_lvalue = true;
static const bool error = false;
static const bool element_op = true;
typedef basic_matrix<Rows, Cols> base_type;
basic_matrix() {}
// used for implicit evaluation by the select_* templates in
// matrix_operators.tpp
template<class T> basic_matrix(const T &m);
template<int R, int C> float element() const {
enum { i = R+C*Rows };
return data()[i];
template<int R, int C> float &element() {
enum { i = R+C*Rows };
return data()[i];
mathlib::matrix<Rows, Cols> &matrix() {
return *static_cast<mathlib::matrix<Rows, Cols> *>(this);
const mathlib::matrix<Rows, Cols> &matrix() const {
return *static_cast<const mathlib::matrix<Rows, Cols> *>(this);
// should be wrapped around matrix expressions that are strictly for
// initialization to avoid having to write two constructor/assignment
// pairs per initializer
template<class Base>
class tmatrix_ndim : public Base {
tmatrix_ndim() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_ndim(const A &a) : Base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_ndim(const A &a, const B &b)
: Base(a, b) {}
// wrapped around matrix expressions by tmatrix_type to make overloading based
// on size possible. the type most operators accept
template<int Rows, int Cols, class Base>
class tmatrix_dim : public Base {
tmatrix_dim() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_dim(A &a) : Base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_dim(const A &a) : Base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_dim(const A &a, const B &b)
: Base(a, b) {}
tmatrix_dim &operator*=(float);
tmatrix_dim &operator/=(float);
tmatrix_dim &operator=(zero_t);
tmatrix_dim &operator=(identity_t);
template<class T>
tmatrix_dim &operator=(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, Cols, T> &);
template<class T>
tmatrix_dim &operator=(const tmatrix_ndim<T> &);
template<class A>
tmatrix_dim &operator*=(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, 1, A> &);
template<class A>
tmatrix_dim &operator/=(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, 1, A> &);
template<class A>
tmatrix_dim &operator*=(const tmatrix_dim<Cols, Rows, A> &);
template<class A>
tmatrix_dim &operator+=(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, Cols, A> &);
template<class A>
tmatrix_dim &operator-=(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, Cols, A> &);
template<class I> tmatrix<matrix_unop<unop_index<I>, Base> >
template<class I> const tmatrix<matrix_unop<unop_cindex<I>, Base> >
operator[](matrix_indexer<I>) const;
// wrapped around expressions by tmatrix. used for early detection of
// illegal operations
template<bool Error, bool Is_scalar, bool Lvalue, class Base>
class tmatrix_type {
// error - cannot be used
template<class Base>
class tmatrix_type<false, false, true, Base>
: public tmatrix_dim<Base::rows, Base::columns, Base> {
typedef tmatrix_dim<Base::rows, Base::columns, Base> m_base;
// not scalar, is l-value
tmatrix_type() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(const A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_type(const A &a, const B &b)
: m_base(a, b) {}
template<class A> tmatrix_type &operator=(const A &a)
{ m_base::operator=(a); return *this; }
using m_base::operator=;
template<class Base>
class tmatrix_type<false, false, false, Base>
: public tmatrix_dim<Base::rows, Base::columns, Base> {
typedef tmatrix_dim<Base::rows, Base::columns, Base> m_base;
// not scalar, not l-value
tmatrix_type() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(const A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_type(const A &a, const B &b)
: m_base(a, b) {}
template<class Base>
class tmatrix_type<false, true, true, Base>
: public Base {
typedef Base m_base;
// scalar, l-value. disable matrix operations
tmatrix_type() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(const A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_type(const A &a, const B &b)
: m_base(a, b) {}
float &operator=(float f) { return Base::template element<0,0>() = f; }
template<class A> float &operator=(const A &f) {
float t = const_cast<A &>(f);
return *this = t;
operator float &() { return Base::template element<0,0>(); }
template<class Base>
class tmatrix_type<false, true, false, Base>
: public Base {
typedef Base m_base;
// scalar, not l-value. disable matrix operations
tmatrix_type() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix_type(const A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix_type(const A &a, const B &b)
: m_base(a, b) {}
operator float() const { basic_matrix<1,1> t(*this); return *t.data(); }
// selects superclasses to provide (only) the supported operations for
// expressions
template<class Base>
class tmatrix : public tmatrix_type<Base::error,
Base::rows == 1 && Base::columns == 1, Base::is_lvalue, Base> {
typedef tmatrix_type<Base::error,
Base::rows == 1 && Base::columns == 1,
Base::is_lvalue, Base> m_base;
tmatrix() {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix(A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A> explicit tmatrix(const A &a) : m_base(a) {}
template<class A, class B> tmatrix(const A &a, const B &b)
: m_base(a, b) {}
template<class A> tmatrix &operator=(const A &a)
{ m_base::operator=(a); return *this; }
using m_base::operator=;
// friendly matrix
template<int Rows, int Cols = Rows>
class matrix : public tmatrix<basic_matrix<Rows, Cols> > {
typedef tmatrix<basic_matrix<Rows, Cols> > m_base;
matrix() {}
template<class T> matrix(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, Cols, T> &);
template<class T> matrix(const tmatrix_ndim<T> &);
template<class A> matrix &operator=(const A &a)
{ m_base::operator=(a); return *this; }
using m_base::operator=;
// friendly column matrix
template<int Rows>
class vector : public tmatrix<basic_matrix<Rows, 1> > {
typedef tmatrix<basic_matrix<Rows, 1> > m_base;
vector() {}
explicit vector(float filler);
vector(float x, float y) { assign(x, y); }
vector(float x, float y, float z) { assign(x, y, z); }
vector(float x, float y, float z, float w) { assign(x, y, z, w); }
template<class T> vector(const tmatrix_dim<Rows, 1, T> &);
template<class T> vector(const tmatrix_ndim<T> &);
template<class A> vector &operator=(const A &a)
{ m_base::operator=(a); return *this; }
using m_base::operator=;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/plane.h] - (593 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.h>
namespace mathlib {
template<int ND>
class plane {
vector<ND> n;
float D;
plane() {}
plane(const vector<ND> &n_, float d) : n(n_), D(d) {}
template<int D>
class parameter_plane {
vector<D> v, u;
parameter_plane(const vector<D> &v_, const vector<D> &u_)
: v(v_), u(u_) {}
parameter_plane(const plane<D> &);
operator plane<D>() const;
template<int ND> inline
float alignment(const plane<ND> &p, const vector<ND> &v)
return dot(p.n, v) + p.D;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/quaternion.h] - (1,751 bytes)
#include <mathlib/complex.h>
namespace mathlib {
class quaternion {
float a, b, c, d;
quaternion() {}
quaternion(float a_, float b_ = 0.f, float c_ = 0.f, float d_ = 0.f)
: a(a_), b(b_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
float real() const { return a; }
quaternion unreal() const { return quaternion(0.f, b, c, d); }
quaternion &operator+=(float f) { a += f; return *this; }
quaternion &operator-=(float f) { a -= f; return *this; }
quaternion &operator*=(float f)
{ a *= f; b *= f; c *= f; d *= f; return *this; }
quaternion &operator/=(float f)
{ a /= f; b /= f; c /= f; d /= f; return *this; }
quaternion &operator+=(complex c)
{ a += c.real(); b += c.imag(); return *this; }
quaternion &operator-=(complex c)
{ a -= c.real(); b -= c.imag(); return *this; }
quaternion &operator*=(complex);
quaternion &operator/=(complex);
quaternion &operator+=(const quaternion &q)
{ a += q.a; b += q.b; c += q.c; d += q.d; return *this; }
quaternion &operator-=(const quaternion &q)
{ a -= q.a; b -= q.b; c -= q.c; d -= q.d; return *this; }
quaternion &operator*=(const quaternion &q)
{ return *this = *this * q; }
quaternion &operator/=(const quaternion &q)
{ return *this = *this / q; }
friend quaternion operator*(const quaternion &, const quaternion &);
friend quaternion operator/(const quaternion &, const quaternion &);
friend float real(const quaternion &q) { return q.real(); }
friend quaternion unreal(const quaternion &q) { return q.unreal(); }
friend float abs(const quaternion &q)
{ return sqrt(q.a*q.a + q.b*q.b + q.c*q.c + q.d*q.d); }
friend quaternion normalize(const quaternion &q)
{ return q / abs(q); }
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/segment.h] - (242 bytes)
namespace mathlib {
template<int D>
class segment {
vector<D> v1, v2;
segment() {}
segment(const vector<D> &a, const vector<D> &b) : v1(a), v2(b) {}
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/simd/config.h] - (517 bytes)
// type definitions and defines for simd instructions
namespace mathlib {
#if defined(__GNUG__) && defined(__SSE__) || 1
// g++ with sse instructions enabled
# define MATHLIB_SIMD 1
# define MATHLIB_SIMD4 1
# define MATHLIB_GCC_SSE 1
# define MATHLIB_SIMD4_ALIGN __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__(v4sf))))
// vector of 4 floats
typedef int v4sf __attribute__ ((mode(V4SF)));
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/sphere.h] - (294 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.h>
namespace mathlib {
template<int D>
class sphere {
vector<D> position;
float radius;
sphere() {}
sphere(const vector<D> &pos, float r) : position(pos), radius(r) {}
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/triangle.h] - (317 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.h>
namespace mathlib {
template<int D>
class triangle {
vector<D> a, b, c;
triangle() {}
triangle(const vector<D> &a_, const vector<D> &b_,
const vector<D> &c_) : a(a_), b(b_), c(c_) {}
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/include/mathlib/utility.h] - (405 bytes)
// random mathematics functions
#include <cmath>
#include <mathlib/mathdefs.h>
namespace mathlib {
inline float sqr(float a) { return a*a; }
inline bool close(float a, float b) {
return std::abs(a - b) < epsilon;
inline int sign(float a) {
if (a > epsilon) return 1;
if (a < -epsilon) return -1;
return 0;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/src/matrix2.cpp] - (407 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.tpp>
namespace mathlib {
typedef basic_matrix<2, 2> m2;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(m2 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_inverse, m2> src)
float det_src = det_bm(src.a);
float d = 1.f / det_src;
// dest = adjoint(src.a) / det(src.a)
dest(0,0) = d * +src.a(1,1);
dest(1,0) = d * -src.a(1,0);
dest(0,1) = d * -src.a(0,1);
dest(1,1) = d * +src.a(0,0);
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/src/matrix3.cpp] - (1,380 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.tpp>
namespace mathlib {
typedef basic_matrix<3, 3> m3;
typedef basic_matrix<3, 1> v3;
float det_bm(const m3 &m)
return m(0,0) * det(cofactor_bm<0,0>(m))
- m(1,0) * det(cofactor_bm<1,0>(m))
+ m(2,0) * det(cofactor_bm<2,0>(m));
void matrix_assign_handler::go(m3 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_adjoint, m3> src)
dest(0,0) = +det(cofactor_bm<0,0>(src.a));
dest(1,0) = -det(cofactor_bm<0,1>(src.a));
dest(2,0) = +det(cofactor_bm<0,2>(src.a));
dest(0,1) = -det(cofactor_bm<1,0>(src.a));
dest(1,1) = +det(cofactor_bm<1,1>(src.a));
dest(2,1) = -det(cofactor_bm<1,2>(src.a));
dest(0,2) = +det(cofactor_bm<2,0>(src.a));
dest(1,2) = -det(cofactor_bm<2,1>(src.a));
dest(2,2) = +det(cofactor_bm<2,2>(src.a));
void matrix_assign_handler::go(m3 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_inverse, m3> src)
float det_src = det_bm(src.a);
float d = 1.f / det_src;
// dest = adjoint(src.a) / det(src.a)
dest(0,0) = d * +det(cofactor_bm<0,0>(src.a));
dest(1,0) = d * -det(cofactor_bm<0,1>(src.a));
dest(2,0) = d * +det(cofactor_bm<0,2>(src.a));
dest(0,1) = d * -det(cofactor_bm<1,0>(src.a));
dest(1,1) = d * +det(cofactor_bm<1,1>(src.a));
dest(2,1) = d * -det(cofactor_bm<1,2>(src.a));
dest(0,2) = d * +det(cofactor_bm<2,0>(src.a));
dest(1,2) = d * -det(cofactor_bm<2,1>(src.a));
dest(2,2) = d * +det(cofactor_bm<2,2>(src.a));
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/src/matrix4.cpp] - (5,164 bytes)
#include <mathlib/matrix.tpp>
namespace mathlib {
const matrix<4> frustum(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f)
float n2 = 2 * n;
float rl = r - l;
float tb = t - b;
float fn = f - n;
matrix<4> dest = zero;
dest(0,0) = n2/rl;
dest(0,2) = (r+l)/rl;
dest(1,1) = n2/tb;
dest(1,2) = (t+b)/tb;
dest(2,2) = -(f+n)/fn;
dest(2,3) = -2*f*n/fn;
dest(3,2) = -1;
return dest;
const matrix<4> ortho(float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f)
float rl = r - l;
float tb = t - b;
float fn = f - n;
matrix<4> dest = zero;
dest(0,0) = 2/rl;
dest(0,3) = (r+l)/rl;
dest(1,1) = 2/tb;
dest(1,3) = -(t+b)/tb;
dest(2,2) = -2/fn;
dest(2,3) = (f+n)/fn;
dest(3,3) = 1;
return dest;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest,
matrix_unop<unop_translation, bm31> m)
dest(0,3) = m.a.x;
dest(1,3) = m.a.y;
dest(2,3) = m.a.z;
dest(0,1) = dest(0,2) = 0;
dest(1,0) = dest(1,2) = 0;
dest(2,0) = dest(2,1) = 0;
dest(3,0) = dest(3,1) = dest(3,2) = 0;
dest(0,0) = dest(1,1) = dest(2,2) = dest(3,3) = 1;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_scaling,
bm31> src)
dest(0,0) = src.a.x;
dest(1,1) = src.a.y;
dest(2,2) = src.a.z;
dest(3,3) = 1;
dest(0,1) = dest(0,2) = dest(0,3) = 0;
dest(1,0) = dest(1,2) = dest(1,3) = 0;
dest(2,0) = dest(2,1) = dest(2,3) = 0;
dest(3,0) = dest(3,1) = dest(3,2) = 0;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_scaling,
float_keeper> src)
dest(0,0) = dest(1,1) = dest(2,2) = src.a.f;
dest(3,3) = 1;
dest(0,1) = dest(0,2) = dest(0,3) = 0;
dest(1,0) = dest(1,2) = dest(1,3) = 0;
dest(2,0) = dest(2,1) = dest(2,3) = 0;
dest(3,0) = dest(3,1) = dest(3,2) = 0;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_binop<binop_rotation,
bm31, float_keeper> src)
vector<3> u = norm(src.a.matrix());
matrix<3> S;
S << 0, -u.z, u.y,
u.z, 0, -u.x,
-u.y, u.x, 0;
matrix<3> uut = u*transpose(u);
matrix<3> I = identity;
matrix<4> & MATHLIB_RESTRICT R = dest.matrix();
float a = src.b.f;
R[r02,c02] = uut + cos(a)*(I - uut) + sin(a)*S;
R[r3,c02] = zero;
R[r02,c3] = zero;
R(3,3) = 1;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_binop<binop_rotation,
x_axis_type, float_keeper> src)
float c = cos(src.b.f), s = sin(src.b.f);
dest(1,1) = c;
dest(2,2) = c;
dest(1,2) = -s;
dest(2,1) = s;
dest(0,1) = dest(0,2) = 0;
dest(1,0) = dest(2,0) = 0;
dest(0,0) = 1;
dest(0,3) = dest(1,3) = dest(2,3) = dest(3,0) = dest(3,1)
= dest(3,2) = 0;
dest(3,3) = 1;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_binop<binop_rotation,
y_axis_type, float_keeper> src)
float c = cos(src.b.f), s = sin(src.b.f);
dest(0,0) = c;
dest(2,2) = c;
dest(2,0) = -s;
dest(0,2) = s;
dest(0,1) = dest(1,2) = 0;
dest(1,0) = dest(2,1) = 0;
dest(1,1) = 1;
dest(0,3) = dest(1,3) = dest(2,3) = dest(3,0) = dest(3,1)
= dest(3,2) = 0;
dest(3,3) = 1;
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_binop<binop_rotation,
z_axis_type, float_keeper> src)
float c = cos(src.b.f), s = sin(src.b.f);
dest(0,0) = c;
dest(1,1) = c;
dest(0,1) = -s;
dest(1,0) = s;
dest(0,2) = dest(1,2) = 0;
dest(2,0) = dest(2,1) = 0;
dest(2,2) = 1;
dest(0,3) = dest(1,3) = dest(2,3) = dest(3,0) = dest(3,1)
= dest(3,2) = 0;
dest(3,3) = 1;
float det_bm(const bm44 &m)
return m(0,0) * det(cofactor_bm<0,0>(m))
- m(1,0) * det(cofactor_bm<1,0>(m))
+ m(2,0) * det(cofactor_bm<2,0>(m))
- m(3,0) * det(cofactor_bm<3,0>(m));
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_adjoint, bm44> src)
matrix<4> & MATHLIB_RESTRICT R = dest.matrix();
const matrix<4> & MATHLIB_RESTRICT S = src.a.matrix();
R(0,0) = det(cofactor<0,0>(S));
R(1,0) = -det(cofactor<0,1>(S));
R(2,0) = det(cofactor<0,2>(S));
R(3,0) = -det(cofactor<0,3>(S));
R(0,1) = -det(cofactor<1,0>(S));
R(1,1) = det(cofactor<1,1>(S));
R(2,1) = -det(cofactor<1,2>(S));
R(3,1) = det(cofactor<1,3>(S));
R(0,2) = det(cofactor<2,0>(S));
R(1,2) = -det(cofactor<2,1>(S));
R(2,2) = det(cofactor<2,2>(S));
R(3,2) = -det(cofactor<2,3>(S));
R(0,3) = -det(cofactor<3,0>(S));
R(1,3) = det(cofactor<3,1>(S));
R(2,3) = -det(cofactor<3,2>(S));
R(3,3) = det(cofactor<3,3>(S));
void matrix_assign_handler::go(bm44 &dest, matrix_unop<unop_inverse, bm44> src)
matrix<4> & MATHLIB_RESTRICT R = dest.matrix();
const matrix<4> & MATHLIB_RESTRICT S = src.a.matrix();
float det_s = det(S);
float d = 1 / det_s;
// dest = adjoint(src.a) / det(src.a)
R(0,0) = d * det(cofactor<0,0>(S));
R(1,0) = d * -det(cofactor<0,1>(S));
R(2,0) = d * det(cofactor<0,2>(S));
R(3,0) = d * -det(cofactor<0,3>(S));
R(0,1) = d * -det(cofactor<1,0>(S));
R(1,1) = d * det(cofactor<1,1>(S));
R(2,1) = d * -det(cofactor<1,2>(S));
R(3,1) = d * det(cofactor<1,3>(S));
R(0,2) = d * det(cofactor<2,0>(S));
R(1,2) = d * -det(cofactor<2,1>(S));
R(2,2) = d * det(cofactor<2,2>(S));
R(3,2) = d * -det(cofactor<2,3>(S));
R(0,3) = d * -det(cofactor<3,0>(S));
R(1,3) = d * det(cofactor<3,1>(S));
R(2,3) = d * -det(cofactor<3,2>(S));
R(3,3) = d * det(cofactor<3,3>(S));
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/src/quaternion.cpp] - (680 bytes)
#include <mathlib/quaternion.h>
namespace mathlib {
quaternion operator*(const quaternion &a, const quaternion &b) {
quaternion r;
r.a = a.a*b.a - a.b*b.b - a.c*b.c - a.d*b.d;
r.b = a.a*b.b + a.b*b.a + a.c*b.d - a.d*b.c;
r.c = a.a*b.c - a.b*b.d + a.c*b.a + a.d*b.b;
r.d = a.a*b.d + a.b*b.c - a.c*b.b + a.d*b.a;
return r;
quaternion operator/(const quaternion &a, const quaternion &b) {
quaternion r;
float d = abs(b);
r.a = (+a.a*b.a + a.b*b.b + a.c*b.c + a.d*b.d) / d;
r.b = (-a.a*b.b + a.b*b.a - a.c*b.d + a.d*b.c) / d;
r.c = (-a.a*b.c + a.b*b.d + a.c*b.a - a.d*b.b) / d;
r.d = (-a.a*b.d - a.b*b.c + a.c*b.b + a.d*b.a) / d;
return r;
} // namespace mathlib
Currently browsing [mathlib_cotd.zip] (40,608 bytes) - [mathlib/src/simd/gcc_sse.cpp] - (2,277 bytes)
#include <mathlib/simd/config.h>
#include <mathlib/matrix.tpp>
#include <xmmintrin.h>
namespace mathlib {
void simd_assign_handler<unop_copy>::go(bm44 &dest,
matrix_binop<binop_mmul<4>, bm44, bm44> src) {
v4sf v, f1, f2, f3, f4;
v4sf c1, c2, c3, c4;
v4sf ac1, ac2, ac3, ac4;
v4sf s1, s2;
ac1 = ssev(src.a)[0];
ac2 = ssev(src.a)[1];
ac3 = ssev(src.a)[2];
ac4 = ssev(src.a)[3];
v = ssev(src.b)[0];
f1 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x00);
f2 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x55);
f3 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xaa);
f4 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xff);
c1 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f1, ac1);
c2 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f2, ac2);
c3 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f3, ac3);
c4 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f4, ac4);
s1 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c1, c2);
s2 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c3, c4);
ssev(dest)[0] = __builtin_ia32_addps(s1, s2);
v = ssev(src.b)[1];
f1 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x00);
f2 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x55);
f3 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xaa);
f4 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xff);
c1 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f1, ac1);
c2 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f2, ac2);
c3 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f3, ac3);
c4 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f4, ac4);
s1 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c1, c2);
s2 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c3, c4);
ssev(dest)[1] = __builtin_ia32_addps(s1, s2);
v = ssev(src.b)[2];
f1 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x00);
f2 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x55);
f3 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xaa);
f4 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xff);
c1 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f1, ac1);
c2 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f2, ac2);
c3 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f3, ac3);
c4 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f4, ac4);
s1 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c1, c2);
s2 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c3, c4);
ssev(dest)[2] = __builtin_ia32_addps(s1, s2);
v = ssev(src.b)[3];
f1 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x00);
f2 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0x55);
f3 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xaa);
f4 = __builtin_ia32_shufps(v, v, 0xff);
c1 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f1, ac1);
c2 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f2, ac2);
c3 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f3, ac3);
c4 = __builtin_ia32_mulps(f4, ac4);
s1 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c1, c2);
s2 = __builtin_ia32_addps(c3, c4);
ssev(dest)[3] = __builtin_ia32_addps(s1, s2);
} // namespace mathlib
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.