Math Library
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Here's my hat in the ring for math libraries. It's the math system for the
engine I'm currently developing. I'm posting it in the hopes that someone else
may find it usefull, but because I also want people to nitpick about it, any
errors I may have missed, and ways to improve it. I am still working on the
classes and adding to it, so any help is, of course, appreciated. The engine
also works standalone, the project included compiles as a static library, which
can easily be linked into a project. The include files are all linked through
the GEKXMath.h file, so you only have to include it. The source is also
commented (decently), compatible with (and a project file for) DoXygen source
commentor. So far, it sports quite a few features:
2D/3D/4D vectors (seperate classes, I opted to seperate them instead of
templating them so that I didn't have to specialize anything). I have
overloaded basic operators for conveniance (like plus, minus, multiple, divide.
I didn't want to overload actuall functions (like dot or cross product), because
I felt it gets confusing to overload these, everyone has a different spin on
what symbols to use.
A quaternion class, with everything I've found that I've needed (so far at
A 4x4 matrix class (and conversions between quaternions and matrices in the
classes), with rotations, scaling, etc (everything a matrix should be able to
A plane class, simple so far, I've just starting adding interesection between
containment objects.
A bounding sphere, and an axis aligned bounding box class, with intersections
tests against themselves and each other.
A 6 plane view frustum class, and a function to generate the planes from a
projection matrix, and visibility checks against points, bounding spheres, and
axis aligned bounding boxes.
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/GEKxMath.h] - (4,017 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEK_Math__
#define __GEK_Math__
\author MoJo
\file GEKXMath.h
\brief GEKvX Math Main Header
\mainpage GEKvX Math Library
\section disclamer Disclamer
Game Excelleration Kit vX
<center><img src="..\..\hourglass.jpg" alt="HourGlass SoftWare"></center>
Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Please read the file LICENSE.TXT for additional details.
<a href="http://www.doxygen.org>Doxygen</a> was used for all documentation.
#define _PI 3.14159265358979323846f //!< Extended floating point definition of PI
#define _2_PI 6.28318530717958623200f //!< Extended floating point definition of (PI * 2)
#define _PI_2 1.57079632679489661923f //!< Extended floating point definition of (PI / 2)
#define _INV_PI 0.31830988618379069122f //!< Extended floating point definition of Inverse PI
#define _DEGTORAD(x) (x * (_PI / 180.0f)) //!< Macro to convert degrees to radians
#define _RADTODEG(x) (x * (180.0f / _PI)) //!< Macro to convert radians to degrees
#define _EPSILON 1.0e-5f //!< Small offset to account for floating point error
int __fastcall F2ID(float fValue); //!< Rounds a value down and returns the integer
int __fastcall F2IU(float fValue); //!< Rounds a value up and returns the integer
float __fastcall ABS(float fValue); //!< Returns the absolute value of a value
float __fastcall SIN(float fValue); //!< Returns the sin of a value
float __fastcall COS(float fValue); //!< Returns the cos of a value
float TAN(float fValue); //!< Returns the tangent of a value
float SQRT(float fValue); //!< Returns the square root of a value
float __fastcall ISQRT(float fValue); //!< Returns the inverse square root of a value
int NextSquare(int iValue); //!< Returns the next possible squared value
template <typename CLASS>
inline void SWAP(CLASS &kValueA, CLASS &kValueB)
CLASS kTemp = kValueA;
kValueA = kValueB;
kValueB = kTemp;
struct GEKVECTOR2; //!< 2D Vector Class
struct GEKVECTOR3; //!< 3D Vector Class
struct GEKVECTOR4; //!< 4D Vector Class
struct GEKQUATERNION; //!< 4D Quaternion Class
struct GEKMATRIX; //!< 4x4 Matrix Class
struct GEKPLANE; //!< Standard Plane Equation
typedef GEKVECTOR4 GEKCOLOR; //!< RGBA Color Class
struct GEKSPHERE; //!< Basic Bounding Sphere
struct GEKAABB; //!< Basic Axis Aligned Bounding Box
struct GEKRAY; //!< Basic Ray class
#include ".\Include\GEKRect.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKVector2.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKVector3.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKVector4.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKQuaternion.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKMatrix.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKPlane.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKCurve.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKContain.h"
#include ".\Include\GEKFrustum.h"
#include ".\Inline\GEKRect.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKVector2.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKVector3.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKVector4.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKQuaternion.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKMatrix.inl"
#include ".\Inline\GEKPlane.inl"
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Include/GEKContain.h] - (1,294 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKContain__
#define __GEKContain__
\author MoJo
\file GEKContain.h
\brief Basic Containment
struct GEKRAY
GEKVECTOR3 m_kOrigin;
GEKVECTOR3 m_kVector;
GEKRAY(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline float GetLength(void) { return m_kVector.GetLength(); };
inline GEKVECTOR3 GetEnd(void) { return (m_kOrigin + m_kVector); };
struct GEKAABB
bool Collision(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const;
bool Collision(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const;
void Extend(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint);
inline GEKVECTOR3 GetSize(void) { return (m_kMax - m_kMin); };
inline GEKVECTOR3 GetCenter(void) { return ((m_kMax + m_kMin) / 2.0f); };
GEKVECTOR3 m_kOrigin;
float m_fRadius;
GEKSPHERE(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, float fRadius);
bool Collision(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const;
bool Collision(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const;
#endif |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Include/GEKCurve.h] - (732 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKCurve__
#define __GEKCurve__
\author MoJo
\file GEKCurve.h
\brief Curve Calculation
#include <math.h>
template <class CLASS>
CLASS GEKXBernstein(float fFactor, CLASS *pkBase)
CLASS kA(pkBase[0] * powf(fFactor, 3.0f));
CLASS kB(pkBase[1] * (3.0f * powf(fFactor, 2.0f) * (1.0f - fFactor)));
CLASS kC(pkBase[2] * (3.0f * fFactor * powf((1.0f - fFactor), 2.0f)));
CLASS kD(pkBase[3] * powf((1.0f - fFactor), 3.0f));
return ((kA + kB) + (kC + kD));
#endif |
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/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKFrustum__
#define __GEKFrustum__
\author MoJo
\file GEKCollide.h
\brief Basic View Frustum
GEKPLANE m_akFrustum[6];
void Generate(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
bool Visible(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint) const;
bool Visible(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const;
bool Visible(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const;
#endif |
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/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKMatrix__
#define __GEKMatrix__
\author MoJo
\file GEKMatrix.h
\brief 4x4 Matrix Class
//! 4x4 Matrix Class
float d[16];
float m[4][4];
float _11, _12, _13, _14;
float _21, _22, _23, _24;
float _31, _32, _33, _34;
float _41, _42, _43, _44;
float w;
float x, y, z, w;
inline GEKMATRIX(void);
inline GEKMATRIX(float *pfData);
inline GEKMATRIX(float _11, float _12, float _13, float _14,
float _21, float _22, float _23, float _24,
float _31, float _32, float _33, float _34,
float _41, float _42, float _43, float _44);
inline GEKMATRIX(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
inline GEKMATRIX(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle);
inline GEKMATRIX(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler);
//! Assignment Operators
inline GEKMATRIX operator = (const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
void operator *= (const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
//! Casting Operators
inline float operator () (int iRow, int iCol) const;
inline float operator () (int iRow, int iCol);
inline operator const float * (void) const;
inline operator float * (void);
//! Binary Operator
GEKMATRIX operator * (const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
inline void SetIdentity(void); //!< Sets a matrix to identity
void SetEuler(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler); //!< Sets the XYZ euler angles of a rotation matrix
void SetRotation(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle); //!< Sets the axial angle of a rotation matrix
void SetQuaternion(const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat); //!< Converts a quaternion to a rotation matrix
inline void SetScaling(const GEKVECTOR3 &kScale); //!< Sets the scaling factor of a matrix
inline GEKVECTOR3 GetScaling(void); //!< Gets the scaling factor of a matrix
void Transpose(void); //!< Transposes a matrix
inline float Determinant(void); //!< Calculates the determinant of a matrix
GEKMATRIX Inverse(void); //!< Calculates the inverse of a matrix
void Invert(void); //!< Inverts a matrix
//! Rotates a matrix preserving translations
void Rotate(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
//! Rotates a point by a rotation matrix
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
GEKVECTOR3 Rotate(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
//! Transforms a point by a matrix
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
GEKVECTOR4 Transform(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
\brief Creates an orthographic projection matrix
\param fXMin [in] the minimum X value of the view volume
\param fYMin [in] the minimum Y value of the view volume
\param fXMax [in] the maximum X value of the view volume
\param fYMax [in] the maximum Y value of the view volume
\param fNear [in] the distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane
\param fFar [in] the distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane
The orthographic matrix is defined as follows:
fX 0 0 fTX
0 fY 0 fTY
0 0 -fZ -fTZ
0 0 0 1
fX = (2.0f / (fXMax - fXMin))
fY = (2.0f / (fYMax - fYMin))
fZ = (-2.0f / (fFar - fNear))
fTX = -((fXMax + fXMin) / (fXMax - fXMin))
fTY = -((fYMax + fYMin) / (fYMax - fYMin))
fTZ = -((fFar + fNear) / (fFar - fNear))
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixOrtho(float fXMin, float fYMin, float fXMax, float fYMax, float fNear, float fFar);
\brief Creates a perspective projection matrix
\param fFOV [in] the field of view angle of the view volume
\param fAspect [in] the width to height aspect ratio of the view volume
\param fNear [in] the distance from the viewer to the near clipping plane
\param fFar [in] the distance from the viewer to the far clipping plane
The perspective matrix is defined as follows:
fX 0 fA 0
0 fY fB 0
0 0 fC fD
0 0 -1 0
fX = ((2.0f * fNear) / (fXMax - fXMin))
fY = ((2.0f * fNear) / (fYMax - fYMin))
fA = ((fXMax + fXMin) / (fXMax - fXMin))
fB = ((fYMax + fYMin) / (fYMax - fYMin))
fC = -((fFar + fNear) / (fFar - fNear))
fD = -((2.0f * fFar * fNear) / (fFar - fNear))
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixPerspective(float fFOV, float fAspect, float fNear, float fFar);
\brief Creates a matrix to mirror coordinates around a plane
\param kPlane [in] the plane to mirror coordinates by
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixMirror(const GEKPLANE &kPlane);
\brief Creates a view matrix based upon a direction
\param kOrigin [in] the origin of the view matrix
\param kTarget [in] the target of the view matrix
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixTarget(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, const GEKVECTOR3 &kTarget);
#endif |
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/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKPlane__
#define __GEKPlane__
\author MoJo
\file GEKPlane.h
\brief Plane Class
//! Generates a normal from 3 planar points
GEKVECTOR3 GEKNormalize(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector1, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector2, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector3);
//! Plane Class
float d;
inline GEKPLANE(void);
inline GEKPLANE(const GEKPLANE &kPlane);
inline GEKPLANE(float fA, float fB, float fC, float fD);
inline GEKPLANE(const GEKVECTOR3 &kNormal, float fDistance);
GEKPLANE(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector1, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector2, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector3);
//! Assignment Operator
inline GEKPLANE operator = (const GEKPLANE &kPlane);
//! Returns the distance from a plane to a point
float Distance(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint) const;
\brief Returns the if a ray and a plane intersect
\param kRay [in] the ray to check against
bool Intersect(const GEKRAY &kRay) const;
\brief Returns the point of intersection of a ray to a plane
\param kRay [in] the ray to check against
GEKVECTOR3 Intersection(const GEKRAY &kRay) const;
#endif |
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/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKQuaternion__
#define __GEKQuaternion__
\author MoJo
\file GEKQuaternion.h
\brief 4D Quaternion Class
//! 4D Quaternion Class
float x;
float y;
float z;
float w;
inline GEKQUATERNION(void);
inline GEKQUATERNION(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix);
inline GEKQUATERNION(float fX, float fY, float fZ, float fW);
inline GEKQUATERNION(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle);
inline GEKQUATERNION(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler);
//! Casting Operator
inline operator float * (void);
//! Assignment Operators
void operator *= (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline GEKQUATERNION operator = (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline operator -= (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline operator += (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline operator /= (float fScalar);
inline operator *= (float fScalar);
//! Binary Operators
GEKQUATERNION operator * (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline GEKQUATERNION operator - (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline GEKQUATERNION operator + (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat);
inline GEKQUATERNION operator / (float fScalar);
inline GEKQUATERNION operator * (float fScalar);
inline void SetIdentity(void); //!< Sets a quaternion to identity
void SetEuler(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler); //!< Sets the XYZ euler angles of a quaternion
void SetRotation(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle); //!< Sets the axial angle of a quaternion
void SetMatrix(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix); //!< Converts a rotation matrix to a quaternion
inline float Dot(const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat); //!< Calculates the dot product of two quaternions
inline float LengthSqr(void); //!< Calculates the square length of a quaternion
inline float Length(void); //!< Calculates the length of a quaternion
GEKQUATERNION Normal(void); //!< Calculates the normal of a quaternion
void Normalize(void); //!< Normalizes a quaternion
GEKQUATERNION Slerp(const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat, float fFactor); //!< Calculates the spherical interpolation of two quaternions
GEKQUATERNION Lerp(const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat, float fFactor); //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two quaternions
#endif |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Include/GEKRect.h] - (658 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKRect__
#define __GEKRect__
\author MoJo
\file GEKRect.h
\brief Basic Rectangle Class
//! Basic Rectangle Class
struct GEKRECT
float m_fXPos;
float m_fYPos;
float m_fXSize;
float m_fYSize;
inline GEKRECT(void);
inline GEKRECT(int iXPos, int iYPos, int iXSize, int iYSize);
inline GEKRECT(float fXPos, float fYPos, float fXSize, float fYSize);
#endif |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Include/GEKVector2.h] - (3,477 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKVECTOR2__
#define __GEKVECTOR2__
\author MoJo
\file GEKVector2.h
\brief 2D Vector Class
//! 2D Vector Class
float xy[2];
float uv[2];
struct { float x, y; };
struct { float u, v; };
inline GEKVECTOR2(void);
inline GEKVECTOR2(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2(float fX, float fY);
inline float &operator [] (int iAxis);
inline bool operator < (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
inline bool operator > (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
//! Casting operator
inline operator float * (void);
inline operator const float * (void) const;
//! Assignment operators
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator = (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator = (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator = (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline operator -= (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline operator += (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline operator /= (float fScalar);
inline operator *= (float fScalar);
//! Binary Operators
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator - (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator + (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator - (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator + (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator / (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator * (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator / (float fScalar);
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator * (float fScalar);
inline void SetLength(float fLength); //!< Sets the length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void) const; //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void); //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void) const; //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void); //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetAngle(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector); //!< Calculates the angle between two vectors
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector); //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector); //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR2 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector, float fFactor) const; //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR2 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector, float fFactor); //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR2 Normal(void) const; //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
inline GEKVECTOR2 Normal(void); //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
inline void Normalize(void); //!< Normalizes a vector
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator - (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
inline GEKVECTOR2 operator - (GEKVECTOR2 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
#endif |
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/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKVECTOR3__
#define __GEKVECTOR3__
\author MoJo
\file GEKVector3.h
\brief 3D Vector Class
//! 3D Vector Class
float xyz[3];
struct { float x, y, z; };
inline GEKVECTOR3(void);
inline GEKVECTOR3(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3(float fX, float fY, float fZ);
inline float &operator [] (int iAxis);
inline bool operator < (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
inline bool operator > (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
//! Casting operator
inline operator float * (void);
inline operator const float * (void) const;
//! Assignment operators
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator = (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator = (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator = (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline operator -= (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline operator += (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline operator /= (float fScalar);
inline operator *= (float fScalar);
//! Binary Operators
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator - (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator + (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator - (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator + (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator / (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator * (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator / (float fScalar);
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator * (float fScalar);
inline void SetLength(float fLength); //!< Sets the length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void) const; //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void); //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void) const; //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void); //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetAngle(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Calculates the angle between two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR3 Cross(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the cross product of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR3 Cross(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Calculates the cross product of two vectors
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR3 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector, float fFactor) const; //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR3 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector, float fFactor); //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR3 Normal(void) const; //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
inline GEKVECTOR3 Normal(void); //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
inline void Normalize(void); //!< Normalizes a vector
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator - (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
inline GEKVECTOR3 operator - (GEKVECTOR3 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
#endif |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Include/GEKVector4.h] - (3,731 bytes)
/* Game Excelleration Kit vX */
/* Copyright (C) 2001 by HourGlass Software NonInc */
#ifndef __GEKVECTOR4__
#define __GEKVECTOR4__
\author MoJo
\file GEKVector4.h
\brief 4D Vector Class
//! 4D Vector Class
float xyzw[4];
float rgba[4];
struct { float x, y, z, w; };
struct { float r, g, b, a; };
inline GEKVECTOR4(void);
inline GEKVECTOR4(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4(float fX, float fY, float fZ, float fW);
inline float &operator [] (int iAxis);
inline bool operator < (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
inline bool operator > (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
//! Casting operator
inline operator float * (void);
inline operator const float * (void) const;
//! Assignment operators
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator = (const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator = (const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator = (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline operator -= (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline operator += (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline operator /= (float fScalar);
inline operator *= (float fScalar);
//! Binary Operators
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator - (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator + (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const;
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator - (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator + (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector);
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator / (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator * (float fScalar) const;
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator / (float fScalar);
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator * (float fScalar);
inline void SetLength(float fLength); //!< Sets the length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void) const; //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLengthSqr(void); //!< Calculates the square length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void) const; //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetLength(void); //!< Calculates the length of a vector
inline float GetAngle(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Calculates the angle between two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR4 Cross(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the cross product of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR4 Cross(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Calculates the cross product of two vectors
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Distance(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Calculates the distance to a vector
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const; //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline float Dot(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Calculates the dot product of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR4 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector, float fFactor) const; //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR4 Lerp(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector, float fFactor); //!< Calculates the linear interpolation of two vectors
inline GEKVECTOR4 Normal(void) const; //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
inline GEKVECTOR4 Normal(void); //!< Calculates the normal of a vector
void Normalize(void); //!< Normalizes a vector
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator - (const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
inline GEKVECTOR4 operator - (GEKVECTOR4 &kVector); //!< Negative Operator
#endif |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKContain.cpp] - (1,972 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
GEKRAY::GEKRAY(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector)
m_kOrigin = kOrigin;
m_kVector = kVector;
bool GEKAABB::Collision(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const
if(m_kMin > kAABB.m_kMax) return false;
if(m_kMax < kAABB.m_kMin) return false;
return true;
inline bool GEK_AABB_Sphere_Collision(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere, const GEKAABB &kAABB)
float fDistance = 0.0f;
for(int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; iAxis++)
if(kSphere.m_kOrigin[iAxis] < kAABB.m_kMin[iAxis])
float fValue = (kSphere.m_kOrigin[iAxis] - kAABB.m_kMin[iAxis]);
fDistance += (fValue * fValue);
else if(kSphere.m_kOrigin[iAxis] > kAABB.m_kMax[iAxis])
float fValue = (kSphere.m_kOrigin[iAxis] - kAABB.m_kMax[iAxis]);
fDistance += (fValue * fValue);
if(fDistance <= (kSphere.m_fRadius * kSphere.m_fRadius)) return true;
return false;
bool GEKAABB::Collision(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const
return GEK_AABB_Sphere_Collision(kSphere, *this);
void GEKAABB::Extend(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint)
if(kPoint.x < m_kMin.x) m_kMin.x = kPoint.x;
if(kPoint.y < m_kMin.y) m_kMin.y = kPoint.y;
if(kPoint.z < m_kMin.z) m_kMin.z = kPoint.z;
if(kPoint.x > m_kMax.x) m_kMax.x = kPoint.x;
if(kPoint.y > m_kMax.y) m_kMax.y = kPoint.y;
if(kPoint.z > m_kMax.z) m_kMax.z = kPoint.z;
m_fRadius = 0.0f;
GEKSPHERE::GEKSPHERE(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, float fRadius)
m_kOrigin = kOrigin;
m_fRadius = fRadius;
bool GEKSPHERE::Collision(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const
return GEK_AABB_Sphere_Collision(*this, kAABB);
bool GEKSPHERE::Collision(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const
GEKVECTOR3 kDistance(m_kOrigin - kSphere.m_kOrigin);
float fDistance = kDistance.GetLengthSqr();
float fRadius = (m_fRadius + kSphere.m_fRadius);
if(fDistance <= (fRadius * fRadius)) return true;
return false;
} |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKCurve.cpp] - (26 bytes)
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKFrustum.cpp] - (2,436 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
void GEKFRUSTUM::Generate(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix)
// Extract the near plane
m_akFrustum[0].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] + kMatrix[ 2]);
m_akFrustum[0].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] + kMatrix[ 6]);
m_akFrustum[0].n.z = (kMatrix[11] + kMatrix[10]);
m_akFrustum[0].d = (kMatrix[15] + kMatrix[14]);
// Extract the far plane
m_akFrustum[1].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] - kMatrix[ 2]);
m_akFrustum[1].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] - kMatrix[ 6]);
m_akFrustum[1].n.z = (kMatrix[11] - kMatrix[10]);
m_akFrustum[1].d = (kMatrix[15] - kMatrix[14]);
// Extract the left plane
m_akFrustum[2].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] + kMatrix[ 0]);
m_akFrustum[2].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] + kMatrix[ 4]);
m_akFrustum[2].n.z = (kMatrix[11] + kMatrix[ 8]);
m_akFrustum[2].d = (kMatrix[15] + kMatrix[12]);
// Extract the right plane
m_akFrustum[3].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] - kMatrix[ 0]);
m_akFrustum[3].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] - kMatrix[ 4]);
m_akFrustum[3].n.z = (kMatrix[11] - kMatrix[ 8]);
m_akFrustum[3].d = (kMatrix[15] - kMatrix[12]);
// Extract the bottom plane
m_akFrustum[4].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] + kMatrix[ 1]);
m_akFrustum[4].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] + kMatrix[ 5]);
m_akFrustum[4].n.z = (kMatrix[11] + kMatrix[ 9]);
m_akFrustum[4].d = (kMatrix[15] + kMatrix[13]);
// Extract the top plane
m_akFrustum[5].n.x = (kMatrix[ 3] - kMatrix[ 1]);
m_akFrustum[5].n.y = (kMatrix[ 7] - kMatrix[ 5]);
m_akFrustum[5].n.z = (kMatrix[11] - kMatrix[ 9]);
m_akFrustum[5].d = (kMatrix[15] - kMatrix[13]);
bool GEKFRUSTUM::Visible(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint) const
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 6; iIndex++)
if(m_akFrustum[iIndex].Distance(kPoint) <= 0.0f) return false;
return true;
bool GEKFRUSTUM::Visible(const GEKSPHERE &kSphere) const
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 6; iIndex++)
float fDistance = m_akFrustum[iIndex].Distance(kSphere.m_kOrigin);
if(fDistance <= -kSphere.m_fRadius) return false;
return true;
bool GEKFRUSTUM::Visible(const GEKAABB &kAABB) const
for(int iIndex = 0; iIndex < 6; iIndex++)
kPoint.x = ((m_akFrustum[iIndex].n.x < 0.0f) ? kAABB.m_kMin.x : kAABB.m_kMax.x);
kPoint.y = ((m_akFrustum[iIndex].n.y < 0.0f) ? kAABB.m_kMin.y : kAABB.m_kMax.y);
kPoint.z = ((m_akFrustum[iIndex].n.z < 0.0f) ? kAABB.m_kMin.z : kAABB.m_kMax.z);
if(m_akFrustum[iIndex].Distance(kPoint) <= 0.0f) return false;
return true;
} |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKMatrix.cpp] - (14,221 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
GEKMATRIX GEKMATRIX::operator * (const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix)
return GEKMATRIX(((_11 * kMatrix._11) + (_12 * kMatrix._21) + (_13 * kMatrix._31) + (_14 * kMatrix._41)),
((_11 * kMatrix._12) + (_12 * kMatrix._22) + (_13 * kMatrix._32) + (_14 * kMatrix._42)),
((_11 * kMatrix._13) + (_12 * kMatrix._23) + (_13 * kMatrix._33) + (_14 * kMatrix._43)),
((_11 * kMatrix._14) + (_12 * kMatrix._24) + (_13 * kMatrix._34) + (_14 * kMatrix._44)),
((_21 * kMatrix._11) + (_22 * kMatrix._21) + (_23 * kMatrix._31) + (_24 * kMatrix._41)),
((_21 * kMatrix._12) + (_22 * kMatrix._22) + (_23 * kMatrix._32) + (_24 * kMatrix._42)),
((_21 * kMatrix._13) + (_22 * kMatrix._23) + (_23 * kMatrix._33) + (_24 * kMatrix._43)),
((_21 * kMatrix._14) + (_22 * kMatrix._24) + (_23 * kMatrix._34) + (_24 * kMatrix._44)),
((_31 * kMatrix._11) + (_32 * kMatrix._21) + (_33 * kMatrix._31) + (_34 * kMatrix._41)),
((_31 * kMatrix._12) + (_32 * kMatrix._22) + (_33 * kMatrix._32) + (_34 * kMatrix._42)),
((_31 * kMatrix._13) + (_32 * kMatrix._23) + (_33 * kMatrix._33) + (_34 * kMatrix._43)),
((_31 * kMatrix._14) + (_32 * kMatrix._24) + (_33 * kMatrix._34) + (_34 * kMatrix._44)),
((_41 * kMatrix._11) + (_42 * kMatrix._21) + (_43 * kMatrix._31) + (_44 * kMatrix._41)),
((_41 * kMatrix._12) + (_42 * kMatrix._22) + (_43 * kMatrix._32) + (_44 * kMatrix._42)),
((_41 * kMatrix._13) + (_42 * kMatrix._23) + (_43 * kMatrix._33) + (_44 * kMatrix._43)),
((_41 * kMatrix._14) + (_42 * kMatrix._24) + (_43 * kMatrix._34) + (_44 * kMatrix._44)));
void GEKMATRIX::operator *= (const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix)
*this = GEKMATRIX(((_11 * kMatrix._11) + (_12 * kMatrix._21) + (_13 * kMatrix._31) + (_14 * kMatrix._41)),
((_11 * kMatrix._12) + (_12 * kMatrix._22) + (_13 * kMatrix._32) + (_14 * kMatrix._42)),
((_11 * kMatrix._13) + (_12 * kMatrix._23) + (_13 * kMatrix._33) + (_14 * kMatrix._43)),
((_11 * kMatrix._14) + (_12 * kMatrix._24) + (_13 * kMatrix._34) + (_14 * kMatrix._44)),
((_21 * kMatrix._11) + (_22 * kMatrix._21) + (_23 * kMatrix._31) + (_24 * kMatrix._41)),
((_21 * kMatrix._12) + (_22 * kMatrix._22) + (_23 * kMatrix._32) + (_24 * kMatrix._42)),
((_21 * kMatrix._13) + (_22 * kMatrix._23) + (_23 * kMatrix._33) + (_24 * kMatrix._43)),
((_21 * kMatrix._14) + (_22 * kMatrix._24) + (_23 * kMatrix._34) + (_24 * kMatrix._44)),
((_31 * kMatrix._11) + (_32 * kMatrix._21) + (_33 * kMatrix._31) + (_34 * kMatrix._41)),
((_31 * kMatrix._12) + (_32 * kMatrix._22) + (_33 * kMatrix._32) + (_34 * kMatrix._42)),
((_31 * kMatrix._13) + (_32 * kMatrix._23) + (_33 * kMatrix._33) + (_34 * kMatrix._43)),
((_31 * kMatrix._14) + (_32 * kMatrix._24) + (_33 * kMatrix._34) + (_34 * kMatrix._44)),
((_41 * kMatrix._11) + (_42 * kMatrix._21) + (_43 * kMatrix._31) + (_44 * kMatrix._41)),
((_41 * kMatrix._12) + (_42 * kMatrix._22) + (_43 * kMatrix._32) + (_44 * kMatrix._42)),
((_41 * kMatrix._13) + (_42 * kMatrix._23) + (_43 * kMatrix._33) + (_44 * kMatrix._43)),
((_41 * kMatrix._14) + (_42 * kMatrix._24) + (_43 * kMatrix._34) + (_44 * kMatrix._44)));
void GEKMATRIX::Rotate(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix)
GEKMATRIX kBase(*this);
_11 = ((kBase._11 * kMatrix._11) + (kBase._12 * kMatrix._21) + (kBase._13 * kMatrix._31));
_12 = ((kBase._11 * kMatrix._12) + (kBase._12 * kMatrix._22) + (kBase._13 * kMatrix._32));
_13 = ((kBase._11 * kMatrix._13) + (kBase._12 * kMatrix._23) + (kBase._13 * kMatrix._33));
_21 = ((kBase._21 * kMatrix._11) + (kBase._22 * kMatrix._21) + (kBase._23 * kMatrix._31));
_22 = ((kBase._21 * kMatrix._12) + (kBase._22 * kMatrix._22) + (kBase._23 * kMatrix._32));
_23 = ((kBase._21 * kMatrix._13) + (kBase._22 * kMatrix._23) + (kBase._23 * kMatrix._33));
_31 = ((kBase._31 * kMatrix._11) + (kBase._32 * kMatrix._21) + (kBase._33 * kMatrix._31));
_32 = ((kBase._31 * kMatrix._12) + (kBase._32 * kMatrix._22) + (kBase._33 * kMatrix._32));
_33 = ((kBase._31 * kMatrix._13) + (kBase._32 * kMatrix._23) + (kBase._33 * kMatrix._33));
void GEKMATRIX::SetEuler(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler)
float fCOSx = COS(kEuler.x);
float fSINx = SIN(kEuler.x);
float fCOSy = COS(kEuler.y);
float fSINy = SIN(kEuler.y);
float fCOSz = COS(kEuler.z);
float fSINz = SIN(kEuler.z);
_11 = (fCOSy * fCOSz);
_12 = (fCOSy * fSINz);
_13 = (-fSINy);
float fSINxSINy = (fSINx * fSINy);
float fCOSxSINy = (fCOSx * fSINy);
_21 = ((fSINxSINy * fCOSz) - (fCOSx * fSINz));
_22 = ((fSINxSINy * fSINz) + (fCOSx * fCOSz));
_23 = (fSINx * fCOSy);
_31 = ((fCOSxSINy * fCOSz) + (fSINx * fSINz));
_32 = ((fCOSxSINy * fSINz) - (fSINx * fCOSz));
_33 = (fCOSx * fCOSy);
void GEKMATRIX::SetRotation(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle)
float fCOS = COS(fAngle);
float fSIN = SIN(fAngle);
GEKVECTOR3 kNormal(((GEKVECTOR3 &)kAxis).Normal());
_11 = ((kNormal.x * kNormal.x) * (1.0f - fCOS) + fCOS);
_12 = ((kNormal.x * kNormal.y) * (1.0f - fCOS) - (kNormal.z * fSIN));
_13 = ((kNormal.x * kNormal.z) * (1.0f - fCOS) + (kNormal.y * fSIN));
_21 = ((kNormal.y * kNormal.x) * (1.0f - fCOS) + (kNormal.z * fSIN));
_22 = ((kNormal.y * kNormal.y) * (1.0f - fCOS) + fCOS);
_23 = ((kNormal.y * kNormal.z) * (1.0f - fCOS) - (kNormal.x * fSIN));
_31 = ((kNormal.z * kNormal.x) * (1.0f - fCOS) - (kNormal.y * fSIN));
_32 = ((kNormal.z * kNormal.y) * (1.0f - fCOS) + (kNormal.x * fSIN));
_33 = ((kNormal.z * kNormal.z) * (1.0f - fCOS) + fCOS);
void GEKMATRIX::SetQuaternion(const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat)
float f2X = (kQuat.x * 2.0f);
float f2Y = (kQuat.y * 2.0f);
float f2Z = (kQuat.z * 2.0f);
float fWX = (kQuat.w * f2X);
float fWY = (kQuat.w * f2Y);
float fWZ = (kQuat.w * f2Z);
float fXX = (kQuat.x * f2X);
float fXY = (kQuat.x * f2Y);
float fXZ = (kQuat.x * f2Z);
float fYY = (kQuat.y * f2Y);
float fYZ = (kQuat.y * f2Z);
float fZZ = (kQuat.z * f2Z);
_11 = (1.0f - fYY - fZZ);
_12 = (fXY + fWZ);
_13 = (fXZ - fWY);
_21 = (fXY - fWZ);
_22 = (1.0f - fXX - fZZ);
_23 = (fYZ + fWX);
_31 = (fXZ + fWY);
_32 = (fYZ - fWX);
_33 = (1.0f - fXX - fYY);
void GEKMATRIX::Transpose(void)
GEKMATRIX kMatrix(*this);
_11 = kMatrix._11; _12 = kMatrix._21; _13 = kMatrix._31; _14 = kMatrix._41;
_21 = kMatrix._12; _22 = kMatrix._22; _23 = kMatrix._32; _24 = kMatrix._42;
_31 = kMatrix._13; _32 = kMatrix._23; _33 = kMatrix._33; _34 = kMatrix._43;
_41 = kMatrix._14; _42 = kMatrix._24; _43 = kMatrix._34; _44 = kMatrix._44;
/* if((ABS(_44 - 1.0f) > 0.001f)||
(ABS(_14) > 0.001f)||
(ABS(_24) > 0.001f)||
(ABS(_34) > 0.001f)) return *this;*/
float fDetInverse = (1.0f / Determinant());
kResult._11 = ( fDetInverse * ((_22 * _33) - (_23 * _32)));
kResult._12 = (-fDetInverse * ((_12 * _33) - (_13 * _32)));
kResult._13 = ( fDetInverse * ((_12 * _23) - (_13 * _22)));
kResult._14 = 0.0f;
kResult._21 = (-fDetInverse * ((_21 * _33) - (_23 * _31)));
kResult._22 = ( fDetInverse * ((_11 * _33) - (_13 * _31)));
kResult._23 = (-fDetInverse * ((_11 * _23) - (_13 * _21)));
kResult._24 = 0.0f;
kResult._31 = ( fDetInverse * ((_21 * _32) - (_22 * _31)));
kResult._32 = (-fDetInverse * ((_11 * _32) - (_12 * _31)));
kResult._33 = ( fDetInverse * ((_11 * _22) - (_12 * _21)));
kResult._34 = 0.0f;
kResult._41 = -((_41 * kResult._11) + (_42 * kResult._21) + (_43 * kResult._31));
kResult._42 = -((_41 * kResult._12) + (_42 * kResult._22) + (_43 * kResult._32));
kResult._43 = -((_41 * kResult._13) + (_42 * kResult._23) + (_43 * kResult._33));
kResult._44 = 1.0f;
return kResult;
void GEKMATRIX::Invert(void)
*this = Inverse();
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23)));
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33)));
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33)));
GEKVECTOR3 GEKMATRIX::Rotate(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23)));
GEKVECTOR3 GEKMATRIX::Rotate(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33)));
GEKVECTOR3 GEKMATRIX::Rotate(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR3(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33)));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector)
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + _41),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + _42),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + _43),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + _44));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector)
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31) + _41),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32) + _42),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33) + _43),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + (kVector.z * _34) + _44));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector)
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31) + (kVector.w * _41)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32) + (kVector.w * _42)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33) + (kVector.w * _43)),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + (kVector.z * _34) + (kVector.w * _44)));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR2 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + _41),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + _42),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + _43),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + _44));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31) + _41),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32) + _42),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33) + _43),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + (kVector.z * _34) + _44));
GEKVECTOR4 GEKMATRIX::Transform(const GEKVECTOR4 &kVector) const
return GEKVECTOR4(((kVector.x * _11) + (kVector.y * _21) + (kVector.z * _31) + (kVector.w * _41)),
((kVector.x * _12) + (kVector.y * _22) + (kVector.z * _32) + (kVector.w * _42)),
((kVector.x * _13) + (kVector.y * _23) + (kVector.z * _33) + (kVector.w * _43)),
((kVector.x * _14) + (kVector.y * _24) + (kVector.z * _34) + (kVector.w * _44)));
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixOrtho(float fXMin, float fYMin, float fXMax, float fYMax, float fNear, float fFar)
float fX = (2.0f / (fXMax - fXMin));
float fY = (2.0f / (fYMax - fYMin));
float fZ = (-2.0f / (fFar - fNear));
float fTX = -((fXMax + fXMin) / (fXMax - fXMin));
float fTY = -((fYMax + fYMin) / (fYMax - fYMin));
float fTZ = -((fFar + fNear) / (fFar - fNear));
return GEKMATRIX( fX, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, -fY, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, -fZ, 0.0f,
fTX, -fTY, -fTZ, 1.0f);
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixPerspective(float fFOV, float fAspect, float fNear, float fFar)
float fYMax = (fNear * (SIN(fFOV / 2.0f) / COS(fFOV / 2.0f)));
float fXMax = (fYMax * fAspect);
float fYMin = -fYMax;
float fXMin = -fXMax;
float fX = ((2.0f * fNear) / (fXMax - fXMin));
float fY = ((2.0f * fNear) / (fYMax - fYMin));
float fA = ((fXMax + fXMin) / (fXMax - fXMin));
float fB = ((fYMax + fYMin) / (fYMax - fYMin));
float fC = -((fFar + fNear) / (fFar - fNear));
float fD = -((2.0f * fFar * fNear) / (fFar - fNear));
return GEKMATRIX( fX, 0.0f, fA, 0.0f,
0.0f, fY, fB, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, -fC, -fD,
0.0f, 0.0f,-1.0f, 0.0f);
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixMirror(const GEKPLANE &kPlane)
float fX = kPlane.n.x;
float fY = kPlane.n.y;
float fZ = kPlane.n.z;
float fD = kPlane.d;
return GEKMATRIX((0.0f - (2.0f * fX * fX)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fX * fY)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fX * fZ)), 0.0f,
(0.0f - (2.0f * fY * fX)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fY * fY)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fY * fZ)), 0.0f,
(0.0f - (2.0f * fZ * fX)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fZ * fY)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fZ * fZ)), 0.0f,
(0.0f - (2.0f * fD * fX)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fD * fY)), (0.0f - (2.0f * fD * fZ)), 1.0f);
GEKMATRIX GEKMatrixTarget(const GEKVECTOR3 &kOrigin, const GEKVECTOR3 &kTarget)
GEKVECTOR3 kZAxis(kTarget - kOrigin);
GEKVECTOR3 m_kYAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
GEKVECTOR3 kXAxis(m_kYAxis.Cross(kZAxis));
GEKVECTOR3 kYAxis(kZAxis.Cross(kXAxis));
return GEKMATRIX(kXAxis.x, kXAxis.y, kXAxis.z, -kXAxis.Dot(kOrigin),
kYAxis.x, kYAxis.y, kYAxis.z, -kYAxis.Dot(kOrigin),
kZAxis.x, kZAxis.y, kZAxis.z, -kZAxis.Dot(kOrigin),
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
} |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKPlane.cpp] - (1,137 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
GEKVECTOR3 GEKNormalize(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector1, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector2, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector3)
GEKVECTOR3 kVectorA(kVector2 - kVector1);
GEKVECTOR3 kVectorB(kVector3 - kVector1);
GEKVECTOR3 kCross(kVectorA.Cross(kVectorB));
return kCross.Normal();
GEKPLANE::GEKPLANE(const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector1, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector2, const GEKVECTOR3 &kVector3)
n = GEKNormalize(kVector1, kVector2, kVector3);
d = -n.Dot(kVector1);
float GEKPLANE::Distance(const GEKVECTOR3 &kPoint) const
return (n.Dot(kPoint) + d);
bool GEKPLANE::Intersect(const GEKRAY &kRay) const
float fDistanceA = Distance(kRay.m_kOrigin);
float fDistanceB = Distance(kRay.m_kOrigin + kRay.m_kVector);
if((fDistanceA > 0.0f)&&(fDistanceB < 0.0f)) return true;
if((fDistanceA < 0.0f)&&(fDistanceB > 0.0f)) return true;
return false;
GEKVECTOR3 GEKPLANE::Intersection(const GEKRAY &kRay) const
float fNumer = n.Dot(kRay.m_kOrigin);
float fDenom = n.Dot(kRay.m_kVector);
float fInter = (d - (fNumer / fDenom));
return (kRay.m_kOrigin + (kRay.m_kVector * fInter));
} |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKQuaternion.cpp] - (4,447 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
kResult.x = ((w * kQuat.x) + (x * kQuat.w) + (y * kQuat.z) - (z * kQuat.y));
kResult.y = ((w * kQuat.y) - (x * kQuat.z) + (y * kQuat.w) + (z * kQuat.x));
kResult.z = ((w * kQuat.z) + (x * kQuat.y) - (y * kQuat.x) + (z * kQuat.w));
kResult.w = ((w * kQuat.w) - (x * kQuat.x) - (y * kQuat.y) - (z * kQuat.z));
return kResult;
void GEKQUATERNION::operator *= (const GEKQUATERNION &kQuat)
kResult.x = ((w * kQuat.x) + (x * kQuat.w) + (y * kQuat.z) - (z * kQuat.y));
kResult.y = ((w * kQuat.y) - (x * kQuat.z) + (y * kQuat.w) + (z * kQuat.x));
kResult.z = ((w * kQuat.z) + (x * kQuat.y) - (y * kQuat.x) + (z * kQuat.w));
kResult.w = ((w * kQuat.w) - (x * kQuat.x) - (y * kQuat.y) - (z * kQuat.z));
*this = kResult;
void GEKQUATERNION::SetEuler(const GEKVECTOR3 &kEuler)
float fSINx = SIN(kEuler.x * 0.5f);
float fSINy = SIN(kEuler.y * 0.5f);
float fSINz = SIN(kEuler.z * 0.5f);
float fCOSx = COS(kEuler.x * 0.5f);
float fCOSy = COS(kEuler.y * 0.5f);
float fCOSz = COS(kEuler.z * 0.5f);
float fSINyCOSz = (fSINy * fCOSz);
float fSINySINz = (fSINy * fSINz);
float fCOSyCOSz = (fCOSy * fCOSz);
float fCOSySINz = (fCOSy * fSINz);
x = ((fSINx * fCOSyCOSz) - (fCOSx * fSINySINz));
y = ((fSINx * fCOSySINz) + (fCOSx * fSINyCOSz));
z = ((fCOSx * fCOSySINz) - (fSINx * fSINyCOSz));
w = ((fCOSx * fCOSyCOSz) + (fSINx * fSINySINz));
void GEKQUATERNION::SetRotation(const GEKVECTOR3 &kAxis, float fAngle)
GEKVECTOR3 kNormal(((GEKVECTOR3 &)kAxis).Normal());
float fSinA = SIN(fAngle * 0.5f);
x = (kNormal.x * fSinA);
y = (kNormal.y * fSinA);
z = (kNormal.z * fSinA);
w = COS(fAngle * 0.5f);
void GEKQUATERNION::SetMatrix(const GEKMATRIX &kMatrix)
static int aiNext[3] = {1, 2, 0};
float fDiagonal = (kMatrix._11 + kMatrix._22 + kMatrix._33);
if(fDiagonal > 0.0f)
float fSQRT = SQRT(fDiagonal + 1.0f);
w = (fSQRT / 2.0f);
fSQRT = (0.5f / fSQRT);
x = ((kMatrix._23 - kMatrix._32) * fSQRT);
y = ((kMatrix._31 - kMatrix._13) * fSQRT);
z = ((kMatrix._12 - kMatrix._21) * fSQRT);
int iCount = 0;
if(kMatrix._22 > kMatrix._11) iCount = 1;
if(kMatrix._33 > kMatrix.m[iCount][iCount]) iCount = 2;
float afTemp[4];
int iTemp1 = aiNext[iCount];
int iTemp2 = aiNext[iTemp1];
float fSQRT = SQRT((kMatrix.m[iCount][iCount] -
(kMatrix.m[iTemp1][iTemp1] +
kMatrix.m[iTemp2][iTemp2])) + 1.0f);
afTemp[iCount] = (fSQRT * 0.5f);
if(fSQRT != 0.0) fSQRT = (0.5f / fSQRT);
afTemp[3] = ((kMatrix.m[iTemp1][iTemp2] - kMatrix.m[iTemp2][iTemp1]) * fSQRT);
afTemp[iTemp1] = ((kMatrix.m[iCount][iTemp1] + kMatrix.m[iTemp1][iCount]) * fSQRT);
afTemp[iTemp2] = ((kMatrix.m[iCount][iTemp2] + kMatrix.m[iTemp2][iCount]) * fSQRT);
x = afTemp[0];
y = afTemp[1];
z = afTemp[2];
w = afTemp[3];
float fLength = Length();
return GEKQUATERNION((x / fLength),
(y / fLength),
(z / fLength),
(w / fLength));
void GEKQUATERNION::Normalize(void)
*this = Normal();
#include <math.h>
float fDot = Dot(kQuat);
float fSqrt = SQRT(ABS(1.0f - fDot * fDot));
if(ABS(fSqrt) < (_EPSILON * 100.0f)) return *this;
if(fDot < 0.0f) fDot = -fDot;
float fAngle = 0.0f;
if(fDot != 0.0f) fAngle = (float)atanf(fSqrt / fDot);
fSqrt = 1 / fSqrt;
kResult.x = ((x * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * (1.0f - fFactor))) + (kQuat.x * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * fFactor)));
kResult.y = ((y * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * (1.0f - fFactor))) + (kQuat.y * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * fFactor)));
kResult.z = ((z * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * (1.0f - fFactor))) + (kQuat.z * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * fFactor)));
kResult.w = ((w * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * (1.0f - fFactor))) + (kQuat.w * fSqrt * SIN(fAngle * fFactor)));
return kResult;
kResult.x = (x + ((kQuat.x - x) * fFactor));
kResult.y = (y + ((kQuat.y - y) * fFactor));
kResult.z = (z + ((kQuat.z - z) * fFactor));
kResult.w = (w + ((kQuat.w - w) * fFactor));
return kResult;
} |
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKVector2.cpp] - (24 bytes)
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKVector3.cpp] - (24 bytes)
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKVector4.cpp] - (24 bytes)
Currently browsing [GEKxMath.zip] (24,025 bytes) - [GEKxMath/Source/GEKXMath.cpp] - (3,522 bytes)
#include "..\GEKXMath.h"
int NextSquare(int iValue)
long Squared = 1;
while(Squared < iValue) Squared <<= 1;
if(Squared == iValue) return Squared;
else return (Squared >> 1);
__declspec(naked) int __fastcall F2ID(float fValue)
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
mov ebx,eax
sar ebx,31
mov edx,eax
and edx,2147483647
sar edx,23
add edx,-127
mov ecx,edx
sar ecx,31
not ecx
mov dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx
mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
and ecx,edx
push ecx
mov ecx,31
pop esi
sub ecx,esi
mov esi,1
shl esi,cl
dec esi
and eax,8388607
mov ecx,31
sub ecx,edx
mov edx,eax
or edx,8388608
shl edx,8
shr edx,cl
and edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
xor edx,ebx
shl eax,8
test eax,esi
sete al
and eax,1
and ebx,eax
add edx,ebx
mov eax,edx
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4
__declspec(naked) int __fastcall F2IU(float fValue)
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
push ebx
push esi
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]
xor eax,-2147483648
mov edx,eax
sar edx,31
mov dword ptr [ebp-4],edx
mov edx,eax
and edx,2147483647
sar edx,23
add edx,-127
mov ebx,edx
sar ebx,31
not ebx
mov ecx,ebx
and ecx,edx
push ecx
mov ecx,31
pop esi
sub ecx,esi
mov esi,1
shl esi,cl
dec esi
and eax,8388607
mov ecx,31
sub ecx,edx
mov edx,eax
or edx,8388608
shl edx,8
shr edx,cl
and edx,ebx
xor edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
shl eax,8
test eax,esi
sete al
and eax,1
and eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]
and ebx,eax
add edx,ebx
neg edx
mov eax,edx
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop ebp
ret 4
__declspec(naked) float __fastcall ABS(float fValue)
fld dword ptr[esp + 4]
ret 4
__declspec(naked) float __fastcall SIN(float fValue)
fld dword ptr[esp + 4]
ret 4
__declspec(naked) float __fastcall COS(float fValue)
fld dword ptr[esp + 4]
ret 4
float TAN(float fValue)
return (SIN(fValue) / COS(fValue));
float SQRT(float fValue)
return (fValue ? (fValue * ISQRT(fValue)) : 0.0f);
__declspec(naked) float __fastcall ISQRT(float fValue)
mov eax, 0be6eb508h
mov dword ptr[esp-12],03fc00000h
sub eax, dword ptr[esp + 4]
sub dword ptr[esp+4], 800000h
shr eax, 1
mov dword ptr[esp - 8], eax
fld dword ptr[esp - 8]
fmul st, st
fld dword ptr[esp - 8]
fxch st(1)
fmul dword ptr[esp + 4]
fld dword ptr[esp - 12]
fld st(0)
fsub st,st(2)
fld st(1)
fxch st(1)
fmul st(3),st
fmul st(3),st
fmulp st(4),st
fsub st,st(2)
fmul st(2),st
fmul st(3),st
fmulp st(2),st
fxch st(1)
fsubp st(1),st
fmulp st(1), st
ret 4
} |
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.