Different artists have their own methods for generating
low-poly models. And those artists may, themselves, use
different methods based on the editor that they are using.
One popular method (and the one that I use) is to start
with a primitive 3d object (like a cube) and extrude the
heck out of it.
By grabbing two opposite faces and extruding several times,
you will add rough upper and lower arm segments and palms.
Split the lower face of the torso (the original cube) and
extrude several times to create thighs, shins, and feet.
This rough shape will need to be tweaked by scaling and
moving selected vertices. When you're done, you'll have
your low-poly warrior. (Skins make all the difference. 8-)
When you're ready to render your box art or cut scene, you
can just smooth this model and bring him into your character
animation software (Hash, Poser, Character Studio, ...) to
place him into menacing poses.
This isn't the only way to create models. You really need to
become familiar with your modeler and try to find other users
who share your interest. I'm a big fan of
dejanews and
webring. They should
prove to be very useful in your search for answers and contacts.

Response provided by Joseph Hall