IRC Class Library
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This is an IRC class library I wrote in C#; it was my first project when
transitioning over from C++. I've cleaned up the code quite a bit, so it
should be readable. I'm doubtful many of you are coding in .Net
languages at this point, but when DirectX 9 is released.. ;-) Anyway, if
you ever feel like writing a chat client, or want to integrate one into
your app or game, this may help you. :-) It's fully CLS-compliant, so
you should be able to use it in VB.Net, etc. also.
How to use NetIdent. just instantiate it. It's a pretty simplistic and
featureless Ident server, but sometimes you need one to get into IRC
servers, so. :-)
How to use NetIRC. well, to initialize it you have to pass it a stream.
The easiest way to do this is:
IrcClient client = new IrcClient(new TcpClient("irc.enterthegame.com",
Now you'll want to add some methods to the various event handlers, and
then call IrcClient.Login. Login doesn't block, like most of the
methods, so you'll probably want to wait until the GotMotdEnd event is
fired before doing anything else. Then you can go
client.Join("#flipcode"); or somesuch. :-) This is not blocking, so you
won't have joined #flipcode until the GotNameListEnd event is fired
(you'll get that after possibly multiple firings of GotNameListReply,
which will tell you the names of the people in the channel). Also, CHM
format documentation (yay NDoc!) and precompiled binaries with Strong
Names are available at my newly created (and quite hideous) website
http://www.illusorystudios.com/coding/. If you don't care to fiddle with
compiling the thing, these will be useful to you. :-)
Lastly, the license is more or less zlib's with the names changed, so it
should be quite useable. :-)
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.