Having Release & Debug Build Co-Exist
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This is a very small but useful trick to have a release & debug build
of your application co-exist.
In our game, our main header file has this defined:
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define NAME "De Profundisd"
#define NAME "De Profundis"
#endif |
In visual studio we also defined all exe's and dll's to append a 'd' to
the end of their output files. When an application exe or dll is built,
we copy it to the root directory of the game. Here, every file is
duplicated so you can fire up any build without the risk of running a
debug .exe using release .dll's.
Hope it can be useful somewhere!
Jurgen Van Gael
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.