Dealing With HRESULTS
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Here's a little macro and function combo you might find useful when dealing
#define Report(function) _Report(__FILE__, __LINE__, #function, function)
HRESULT _Report(const char* szFileName, int nLine, const char* szFunction, HRESULT hResult)
if (FAILED(hResult))
cerr << szFileName << " [" << nLine << "] - FAILED. Result: " << hResult << endl;
return hResult;
} |
This makes some pretty easy to understand code, for example:
// Do some AI...
} |
I think this provides a simple, yet effective way of logging errors that may
occur. If you want something more versatile, you could try transforming the
_Report function to a singleton class, complete with file logging.
Anyways, enjoy!
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.