COM Smart Pointer
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Here's a template class that makes programming with DirectX much less
painful. It is basically a stripped-down smart pointer for objects that
reference count using COM interfaces.
Smart pointers are useful. Anyone who's discovered www.boost.org will no
doubt agree with me. :) The main benefits are being able to marry a
well-defined system for resource ownership with STL containers and exception
handling. Since just about every object in DirectX is used through a COM
interface it's saved me a lot of time and effort.
Example usage of the class would be:
typedef ComPtr<IDirect3DTexture9 Texture; // typedef for ease of use
std::vector<Texture textures; // easy storage!
Texture resource;
D3DXLoadTextureFromFileIfIAskNicely(/* large number of arguments */,
if(FAILED(resource-GetLevelDesc(0, &desc)))
throw Wobbly(); // no need to worry about resource cleanup if
something fails
textures.push_back(resource); // easy storage!
Note how you never need to worry about calling AddRef or Release manually.
Hopefully some people will find this class useful in their own projects.
Si Brown
Download Associated File: comptr.h (1,988 bytes)
#ifndef _COMPTR_H
#define _COMPTR_H
//! A template COM smart pointer.
template<typename I>
class ComPtr
//! Constructs an empty smart pointer.
ComPtr() : m_p(0) {}
//! Assumes ownership of the given instance, if non-null.
/*! \param p A pointer to an existing COM instance, or 0 to create an
empty COM smart pointer.
\note The smart pointer will assume ownership of the given instance.
It will \b not AddRef the contents, but it will Release the object
as it goes out of scope.
explicit ComPtr(I* p) : m_p(p) {}
//! Releases the contained instance.
//! Copy-construction.
ComPtr(ComPtr<I> const& ptr) : m_p(ptr.m_p)
//! Assignment.
ComPtr<I>& operator=(ComPtr<I> const& ptr)
ComPtr<I> copy(ptr);
return *this;
//! Releases a contained instance, if present.
/*! \note You should never need to call this function unless you wish to
take control a Release an instance before the smart pointer goes out
of scope.
void SafeRelease()
m_p = 0;
//! Explicitly gets the address of the pointer.
/*! \note This function should not be called on a smart pointer with
non-zero contents. This is to avoid memory leaks by blatting over the
contents without calling Release. Hence the complaint to std::cerr.
I** AddressOf()
std::cerr << __FUNCTION__
<< ": non-zero contents - possible memory leak" << std::endl;
return &m_p;
//! Gets the encapsulated pointer.
I* Get() const { return m_p; }
//! Gets the encapsulated pointer.
I* operator->() const { return m_p; }
//! Swaps the encapsulated pointer with that of the argument.
void Swap(ComPtr<I>& ptr)
I* p = m_p;
m_p = ptr.m_p;
ptr.m_p = p;
//! Returns true if non-empty.
operator bool() const { return m_p != 0; }
//! The encapsulated instance.
I* m_p;
#endif // ndef _COMPTR_H
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