Binary IO Class
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This is a stream wrapper around the standard iostream streams that allows binary
I/O using the <<, >> operators..
The classes
The output stream is called bofstream, and the input stream is bifstream. Both
are inherited from a bfstream_aux class that provides some common functions
between the streams.
The functions provided are similar to the standard streams, unless stated. Note,
not all the stream functions are available as they do not make sense for binary
Summary of I/O
Output style
simple types like int, float.. - use <<
string and buffers - use << but must delim them using ends
stl strings - use << but must delim them using ends
arrays and pointers array - use write but you can loop through each element and use << (preferred)
class objects - declare a bofstream friend operator<< justlike the std streams
Input style
simple types like int, float - use >>
arrays and pointers array - use read but can use a loop and use >>
string and char buffers - use getline, not >>. You have been warned!
stl strings - use >> or getline. String must be delim using ends
class objects - declare a bifstream friend operator >> just like the std streams
There are a few other functions that you can use to do I/O (like get(),..).
Note: For string data output, you need to specify the terminated the string
output_stream << "A string" << ends; // terminated the string using ends
Take a look at the BinaryTest section in the sample for some examples of binary
I/O using <<,>>.
Doing more
Another added feature is that you can do I/O in both text and binary mode with
the same piece of code.
All that is needed is you format your output for text output using these
_ - inserts a space
t_ - inserts a tab
endl - inserts a newline. Does not flush the stream like the standard stream
The above manipulators does nothing in binary mode, but in text mode, the output
will be formatted correctly.
bofstream os("output.txt");
os << 3 << _ << 4 << _ 5 << endl; // 3 4 5 newline
os << 6 endl
<< 7 endl
<< 8 endl; // 6 7 8 on a newline each
os << "This is a string" << ends; // string must be terminated by a ends
Output.txt will be
3 4 5
This is a string
The loader can be written as follows
bifstream is("output.txt");
int i;
is >> i >> i >> i; // read 3 4 5
is >> i >> i >> i ; // reads 6 7 8
string s;
is >> s; // reads "This is a string"
If you want to do the output in binary mode, all that is needed is to specify
the ios::binary flag when opening the file stream. The writer/loader does not
need to change.
bofstream os("output.txt", ios::binary);
bifstream is("output.txt", ios::binary);
Some restrictions for this to work properly
- Each output entry must be seperated by a space, tab or a newline. If you
output without a seperator, then the loader may load them as a single entry,
instead of two
output_stream << 7 << 8 << endl; // output without a seperator
input_stream >> i; // reads 78 - incorrect
- Each string must be start on a newline and terminated with using ends. So
before writing a string, make sure the previous output has called endl. ends
will insert a newline automatically so the next entry will always have a
- Each block of data using write() must start on a newline (same restriction as
the string). The write() function will insert a newline automatically after
writing the block. Note that the output in text mode is garbage if you use
write(). It is suggested to write out the elements individually using << for
- Certain functions require caution while using them. For example, the values in
seeking functions are going to be different depending on whether the file is in
text or binary mode. Some functions like putback() should not be used at all!
The TestText section of the sample has some examples of formatting the data.
Some things to take note
- Do not use >> to read string types unless the storage is a std::string and it
is deliminted using ends. Use getline instead as >> relies on the sizeof(type)
to read in data.
char buffer[80];
// input_stream >> buffer; <-- Never do this! buffer is not of type std::string
input_stream.getline(buffer, 80); <-- this should be used for C
- Don't output a file in text mode and try read it in as binary mode or vice
versa. It won't work! Both file modes must be the same for I/O.
- If you edit the output file that was opened in text mode, you need to save it
in a "Text only" format. Saving the file in notepad will not work because
notepads automatically adds additional '\r' and '\n'when you save. You have to
use Wordpad to edit the output file.
- You can free to use/modify the code for your own use but I will am not
responsible for anything, whether direct or indirect, as a result of using this
wrapper. If you do find a bug, bug me at darkaurora@yahoo.com
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/bfstream.h] - (13,610 bytes)
/* A binary file I/O class
Desc: A binary file class that uses <<,>> rather than write/read to perform file stream I/O
Author: Sobeit Void <darkaurora@yahoo.com>
Revision: 1.0
Date: 20/11/2000
The source code is provided as it is, without any warranty or liability. You are free to modify the
code for your own use.The author is not liable for any damages resulting from the usage of the code.
Output Summary:
simple types like int, float,.. - use <<
string and buffers - use << as long as they are terminated. Terminate them by ends
stl strings - use <<. Terminate them be ends
arrays and pointers - use write but you can loop through each element and use <<
class objects - use a bofstream friend operator<< just like the std streams
Input Summary:
simple types like int, float,.. - use >>
arrays and pointers - use read but can use a loop and use >>
string and buffers - use getline, not >>. You have been warned!
stl strings - use >> (if deliminter is '\0') or else use getline
class objects - use a bifstream friend operator >> just like the std streams
Formatting manipulators (Non standard)
_ - inserts a space if text mode. Does nothing in binary mode
t_ - inserts a tab if text mode. Does nothing in binary mode
endl - inserts a newline if text mode. Does nothing in binary mode
ends - inserts a '\0' char. Inserts a newline if text mode
Avoid using these manipulators in text mode
seeking operators like seekp(), seekg(), tellp() etc. unless the seek is to beginning or end only
#pragma once
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <limits>
//namespace V
// Auxilary class to provide common functions in bofstream and bifstream class and is
// meant to be instantiated
class bfstream_aux
typedef std::ios ios;
typedef std::fstream fstream;
typedef std::string string;
typedef std::ios::open_mode open_mode;
typedef std::ios_base::fmtflags fmtflags;
typedef std::ios_base::iostate iostate;
bool is_binary() const { return bBinary_; } // returns true if binary mode
void close()
if (fs_.is_open())
// Operator for error testing
bool operator!() const { return !fs_; }
bool is_open() const { return fs_.is_open(); }
bool good() const { return fs_.good(); }
bool eof() const { return fs_.eof(); }
bool fail() const { return fs_.fail(); }
bool bad() const { return fs_.bad(); }
iostate rdstate() const { return fs_.rdstate(); }
void clear(const iostate state = ios::goodbit) { fs_.clear(state); }
void setstate(const iostate state) { fs_.setstate(state); }
// Formatting specifiers
fmtflags setf(const fmtflags flags) { return fs_.setf(flags); }
fmtflags setf(const fmtflags flags, const fmtflags mask) { return fs_.setf(flags, mask); }
void unsetf(const fmtflags mask) { fs_.unsetf(mask); }
fmtflags flags() const { return fs_.flags(); }
fmtflags flags(const fmtflags flags) { return fs_.flags(flags); }
// Constructors made protected as this class is not meant to be instantiated
bfstream_aux(const string &name, const open_mode mode)
: fs_(name.c_str(), Set_Flag(mode)) {}
bfstream_aux() : fs_(), bBinary_(false) {}
//@@ Closes and reopen the file stream
void open_stream(const string &name, const open_mode mode)
fs_.open(name.c_str(), Set_Flag(mode));
//@@ Sets internal binary flag on/off based on creation flags
//@@ Remarks: To be called at during opening of the file stream
open_mode Set_Flag(const open_mode mode)
bBinary_ = (ios::binary & mode) ? true : false; // if binary mode is specified in the passed flags, set flag on
return mode; // return the original passed parameters
// =================== data ==================
bool bBinary_; // true if IO is in binary mode
fstream fs_; // the file stream
// The input class
class bifstream : virtual public bfstream_aux
typedef std::ios ios;
typedef std::numeric_limits<int> limit_int;
typedef std::streamsize streamsize;
typedef std::string string;
typedef std::ios::open_mode open_mode;
typedef std::ios::pos_type pos_type;
typedef std::ios_base::seekdir seekdir;
// constructors
bifstream(const string &name, const open_mode mode = 0)
: bfstream_aux(name, mode | ios::in) {} // text and in mode implied
bifstream() : bfstream_aux() {};
void open(const string &name, const open_mode mode = 0) // text mode always implied
open_stream(name, mode | ios::in); // in mode always implied
// input operators
template <typename T>
bifstream& operator>>(T& data)
if (bBinary_) // if binary mode
fs_.read((char *)&data, sizeof(data));
else // text mode
fs_ >> data;
return *this;
// template specialization for std::string type
bifstream& operator>>(string &s)
std::getline(fs_, s, '\0'); // the string must be deliminted by a ends
return *this;
template <typename T>
bifstream& read(T& data, const streamsize size)
fs_.read((char *)data, size);
return *this;
bifstream& getline(char *buffer, const int count, const char delim = '\0')
fs_.getline(buffer, count, delim);
return *this;
bifstream& getline(string &str, const char delim = '\0')
std::getline(fs_, str, delim);
return *this;
//@@ Remarks: Avoid usage in text mode
streamsize gcount() const { return fs_.gcount(); }
//@@ Remarks: Avoid usage in text mode
bifstream& ignore(const streamsize count = 1, const int delim = std::char_traits<char>::eof())
fs_.ignore(count, delim);
return *this;
//@@ Remarks: Avoid usage in text mode
int peek() { return fs_.peek(); }
//@@ Remarks: Avoid usage in text mode
bifstream& putback(char c) { fs_.putback(c); return *this; }
// seeking operators - exercise caution when using in text mode
bifstream& seekg(const pos_type pos) { fs_.seekg(pos); return *this; }
bifstream& seekg(const pos_type pos, const seekdir dir) { fs_.seekg(pos, dir); return *this; }
pos_type tellg() { return fs_.tellg(); }
//@@ Moves the file position to a newline in if the file is in text mode. Function does nothing in binary mode
void text_skip_to_newline()
if (!bBinary_)
fs_.ignore(limit_int::max(),'\n'); // ignore everything until a newline is met
// The output class
class bofstream : virtual public bfstream_aux
typedef std::ios ios;
typedef std::streamsize streamsize;
typedef std::string string;
typedef std::ios::open_mode open_mode;
typedef std::ios::pos_type pos_type;
typedef std::ios_base ios_base;
typedef std::ios_base::seekdir seekdir;
// constructors
bofstream(const string &name, const open_mode mode = std::ios::trunc)
: bfstream_aux(name, mode | ios::out) {} // trunc and out mode implied
bofstream() : bfstream_aux() {};
void open(const string &name, const open_mode mode = ios::trunc) // trunc mode implied
open_stream(name, mode | ios::out); // out mode always implied
// output operators
// output for basic types
template <typename T>
bofstream& operator<<(const T& data)
if (bBinary_) // if binary mode
fs_.write((const char *)&data, sizeof(data));
else // text mode
fs_ << data;
return *this;
// template specialization for char buffers as sizeof() doesn't work with string types
// traps string array - char buffer[20]
// pointer string - char *p = new char[20]
// const string - "Const string"
// parameter cannot be const to trap pointer string
bofstream& operator<<(char *data)
fs_.write(data, strlen(data)); // write out the length of the string
return *this;
// template specialization for const string pointers and const string const pointers
// traps const string pointers - const char *p = "Const string"
// const string const pointers - const char * const p = "Const string"
bofstream& operator<<(const char *data)
fs_.write(data, strlen(data)); // write out the length of the string
return *this;
// template specialization for std::string type
bofstream& operator<<(const string &s)
fs_.write(s.c_str(), s.length()); // write out the length of the string
return *this;
template <typename T>
bofstream& write(const T &data, const streamsize size)
fs_.write((const char *)data, size);
textput('\n'); // if text mode, place a newline to make a new block
return *this;
bofstream& put(const char c) { fs_.put(c); return *this; }
//@@ Outputs the passed char if the file is in text mode. Function does nothing in binary mode.
void textput(const char c)
if (!bBinary_) // if not binary mode, then do the output
// Seeking operators - exercise caution when using in text mode
bofstream& seekp(const pos_type pos) { fs_.seekp(pos); return *this; }
bofstream& seekp(const pos_type pos, const seekdir dir) { fs_.seekp(pos, dir); return *this; }
pos_type tellp() { return fs_.tellp(); }
// manipulators
// Function pointer for passing in endl, ends, flush
bofstream& operator<<(void (*fp)(bofstream&)) { (*fp)(*this); return *this; }
bofstream& flush() { fs_.flush(); return *this; }
streamsize precision() const { return fs_.precision(); }
streamsize precision(const streamsize size) { return fs_.precision(size); }
streamsize width() const { return fs_.width(); }
streamsize width(const streamsize size) { return fs_.width(size); }
// manipulators
inline void flush(bofstream& s) { s.flush(); }
inline void ends(bofstream& s) { s.put('\0'); s.textput('\n'); }
// text mode manipulators - only outputs the char in text mode, does nothing in binary mode
inline void endl(bofstream& s) { s.textput('\n'); } // puts a newline in text mode only, no flush, unlike standard streams
inline void _(bofstream& s) { s.textput(' '); } // puts a space in text mode only
inline void t_(bofstream& s) { s.textput('\t'); } // puts a tab in text mode only
// auxilary class for parameterized manipulators
template <typename T>
class Bfmanip
typedef void(*FP)(bofstream&, T); // function pointer prototype
Bfmanip(FP fp , T arg) : fp_(fp), arg_(arg) {};
friend bofstream& operator<<(bofstream& os, const Bfmanip &manip)
(*manip.fp_)(os, manip.arg_);
return os;
friend bifstream& operator>>(bifstream& is, const Bfmanip &manip)
(*manip.fp_)(is, manip.arg_);
return is;
// =========== data ===============
FP fp_; // function pointer
T arg_; // arg passed to function pointer
// auxiliary functions for parameterized manipulators
inline void setiosflags__(bofstream& os, std::ios_base::fmtflags m) { os.setf(m); }
inline void resetiosflags__(bofstream& os, std::ios_base::fmtflags m) { os.setf(os.flags(), m); }
inline void setprecision__(bofstream& os, const int i) { os.precision(i); }
inline void setw__(bofstream& os, const int i) { os.width(i); }
// parameterized manipulators that affect text mode only
inline Bfmanip<std::ios_base::fmtflags> setiosflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags mask)
return Bfmanip<std::ios_base::fmtflags>(setiosflags__, mask);
inline Bfmanip<std::ios_base::fmtflags> resetiosflags(std::ios_base::fmtflags mask)
return Bfmanip<std::ios_base::fmtflags>(resetiosflags__, mask);
inline Bfmanip<const int> setprecision(const int prec) { return Bfmanip<const int>(setprecision__, prec); }
inline Bfmanip<const int> setw(const int width) { return Bfmanip<const int>(setw__, width); }
//}; // end namespace |
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/BinaryTest.cpp] - (7,115 bytes)
/* Binary I/O test */
#include "BinaryTest.h"
#include "bfstream.h" // the new file stream
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// This tests outputs two files in binary mode using the standard stream (old.txt)
// and the bofstream.(new.txt)
// Use file compare (fc /b) to compare the two files
void Output_Binary()
int index; // looping var
cout << "Binary output" << endl;
cout << "--------------" << endl;
ofstream ofs("old.txt", ios::binary); // a normal ofstream
bofstream bos("new.txt", ios::binary); // the wrapper file stream in binary mode
if (!ofs || !bos)
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
cout << "*****************Error creating file*******************" << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
// basic type output
int i = 987;
float f = -12.34f;
double d = 87654321.141231234;
ofs.write((const char *)&i, sizeof(i)); // old way
ofs.write((const char *)&f, sizeof(f));
ofs.write((const char *)&d, sizeof(d));
bos << i << f << d; // write basic types like this
cout << i << " " << f << " " << d << endl;
// basic array output
float f_a[5];
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
f_a[index] = -123.23f - index;
ofs.write((const char *)f_a, sizeof(float)*5); // old way
bos.write(f_a, sizeof(float)*5); // write arrays like this (no cast needed) but appears as garbage in text mode
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
// basic pointer output
float *f_p = new float[5];
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
f_p[index] = 98.32f - index;
ofs.write((const char *)f_p, sizeof(float)*5); // old way
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index) // slower to write pointer arrays like this
bos << f_p[index]; // but values are viewable in text mode
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_p[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
delete []f_p;
f_p = NULL;
// string output - char buffer
char buffer[20] = "Char buffer"; // a char buffer
ofs << buffer << ends;
bos << buffer << ends; // write a string(term by a '\0')
cout << buffer << endl;
// string output - raw char pointer
char *c_p = new char[20];
sprintf(c_p,"Char pointer");
ofs << c_p << ends;
bos << c_p << ends; // write a string(term by a '\0')
cout << c_p << endl;
delete []c_p;
c_p = NULL;
// constant string
ofs << "Const string" << ends;
bos << "Const string" << ends; // write a const string(term by a '\0')
cout << "Const string" << endl;
// const string pointers
const char* const_p = "Const char string";
ofs << const_p << ends;
bos << const_p << ends; // write a const string pointer(term by a '\0')
cout << const_p << endl;
const char* const cc2_p = "const char const string";
ofs << cc2_p << ends;
bos << cc2_p << ends; // write a const string const pointer(term by a '\0')
cout << cc2_p << endl;
// STL string
string stl_string = "STL string";
ofs << stl_string << ends;
bos << stl_string << ends; // write a stl std::string
cout << stl_string << endl;
// char output
char c = 'A';
bos.put(c); // output the char
cout << c << endl;
cout << "ofstream tellp - " << ofs.tellp() << " bofstream tellp - " << bos.tellp() << endl; // output the file position
if (!bos || !ofs)
cout << "**********************************************************" << endl;
cout << "******************Error writing to file*******************" << endl;
cout << "**********************************************************" << endl;
void Input_Binary()
int index; // looping var
cout << "Binary Input" << endl;
cout << "------------" << endl;
bifstream is("new.txt", ios::binary);
if (!is)
cout << "*********************************************************" << endl;
cout << "**********************Error reading file*****************" << endl;
cout << "*********************************************************" << endl;
// basic type input
int i;
float f;
double d;
is >> i >> f >> d; // read basic types like this
cout << i << " " << f << " " << d << endl;
// basic array input
float f_a[5];
is.read(f_a, 5*sizeof(float)); // read an array like this (no cast needed)
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
// basic pointer input
float *f_p = new float[5];
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index) // This is the slower way of reading an array
is >> f_p[index];
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_p[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
delete []f_p;
f_p = NULL;
// string input - char buffer
char buffer[20];
// is >> buffer; // Never use >> to read char *!!!!!, should use get or getline
is.getline(buffer, 20); // use getline read in a string (term char is '\n')
cout << buffer << endl;
// string input - raw pointer
char *c_p = new char[20];
is.getline(c_p, 20);
cout << c_p << endl;
delete []c_p;
c_p = NULL;
// string input - const string
char const_buf[20];
is.getline(const_buf, 20); // read in the value outputted by a const string(term char is '\n')
cout << const_buf << endl;
// const string pointer
string const_s1;
is.getline(const_s1); // better way to store strings (term char is '\0') - no more worries about buffer overrun
cout << const_s1.c_str() << endl;
string stl_s2;
is >> stl_s2; // a even better way to read a string into a stl std::string
cout << stl_s2.c_str() << endl;
// STL string
string stl_string;
is >> stl_string; // read in the output by a STL string
cout << stl_string.c_str() << endl;
// single char operations
char c;
is >> c;
cout << "Getting a char " << c << endl;
// is.putback(c); // put back the extracted character
// is >> c; // a better way to extract a char
// cout << "Putting it back and retriving char " << c << endl;
cout << "bifstream tellg - " << is.tellg() << endl; // output the file position
if (!is)
cout << "*************************************************************" << endl;
cout << "*****************Error reading from file*********************" << endl;
cout << "*************************************************************" << endl;
} |
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/BinaryTest.h] - (84 bytes)
/* Binary I/O Test */
extern void Output_Binary();
extern void Input_Binary(); |
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/main.cpp] - (237 bytes)
#include "BinaryTest.h"
#include "TextTest.h"
void main()
// do binary I/O test
// do text I/O test
// Output_Text();
// Input_Text();
} |
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/TextTest.cpp] - (4,392 bytes)
/* Text I/O test */
#include "TextTest.h"
#include "bfstream.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void Output_Text()
int index;
cout << "Output Text" << endl;
cout << "------------" << endl;
bofstream os("text.txt"); // output in text mode
// bofstream os("text.txt", ios::binary); // output in binary mode
if (!os)
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
cout << "******************* Error creating file****************" << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
int i = 123;
float f = 456.78f;
double d = 9101.123456678;
os << setprecision(10) << setw(10);
os << i << _ << f << t_ << d << endl; // element seperated by a space and then a tab
cout << i << " " << f << " " << d << endl;
float f_a[5] = { 28.01f, 27.01f, 26.01f, 25.01f, 24.01f };
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index) // every element on a newline
os << f_a[index] << endl;
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
os << " This is a string" << ends; // a string. ends will insert a newline automatically
cout << " This is a string" << endl;
os << "This is a combined string";
os << '\n';
os << "seperated by a newline" << ends; // combined string. ends will insert a newline automatically
cout << "This is a combined string";
cout << '\n';
cout << "seperated by a newline" << endl;
os << 'Z' << endl; // output a char - remember the need for the endl because the next write requires to start on a newline
cout << 'Z' << endl;
double d_a[5] = { -10.23f, -11.23f, -12.23f, -13.23f, -14.23f };
os.write(d_a, sizeof(double) * 5); // write a block of memory. A newline will be inserted automatically
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << d_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
float f_arr[5] = { 99.1f, 99.2f, 99.3f, 99.4f, 99.5f };
os.write(f_arr, sizeof(float) * 5); // write another block. A newline will be inserted automatically
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_arr[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
os << 'A' << 'B' << 'C'; // output 3 chars without spacing
cout << 'A' << " " << 'B' << " " << 'C' << endl;
if (!os)
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
cout << "******************* Error creating file****************" << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
void Input_Text()
int index;
cout << "Text Input" << endl;
cout << "-----------" << endl;
bifstream is("text.txt"); // input in text mode
// bifstream is("text.txt", ios::binary); // input in binary mode
if (!is)
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
cout << "******************* Error reading file ****************" << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
int i = 0;
float f = 0;
double d = 0;
is >> i >> f >> d; // read in 3 elements
cout << i << " " << f << " " << d << endl;
float f_a[5] = { 0.0f };
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index) // read in another 5 elements
is >> f_a[index];
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
string s1, s2;
is >> s1 >> s2; // read in two strings
cout << s1.c_str() << endl;
cout << s2.c_str() << endl;
char c;
is >> c; // read in a char
cout << c << endl;
double d_a[5];
is.read(d_a, sizeof(double) * 5); // read a block of doubles
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << d_a[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
float f_arr[5];
is.read(f_arr, sizeof(float) * 5); // read in a block of floats
for (index = 0; index < 5; ++index)
cout << f_arr[index] << " ";
cout << endl;
char ch1, ch2, ch3;
is >> ch1 >> ch2 >> ch3; // read int 3 chars
cout << ch1 << " " << ch2 << " " << ch3 << endl;
if (!is)
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
cout << "******************* Error reading file ****************" << endl;
cout << "*******************************************************" << endl;
} |
Currently browsing [bftest.zip] (34,525 bytes) - [bftest/TextTest.h] - (78 bytes)
/* Text I/O test */
extern void Output_Text();
extern void Input_Text(); |
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.