Auto-Created TODO List
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I was sick of searching all my code files for "TODO" to see what's still left to
do, so I thought I would write a little program that does that for me. It
searches sources for a specified string and writes all matches to a file - not
very exciting, I know.
But tell your VC to execute this program every time you compile (in project
settings) and it will be very practical since you will always have an up-to-date
todo.txt or fixme.txt or whatever you need. There wont even be an ugly dos-box
popping up, but VC will send the program output right to the compiler window.
If you dont feel like writing the search program yourself, you can download mine
from http://home.primusnetz.de/mstich/todo.exe (and if you dont trust me,
download the source: http://home.primusnetz.de/mstich/todo.cpp ;)
have fun,
The zip file viewer built into the Developer Toolbox made use
of the zlib library, as well as the zlibdll source additions.