
Submitted by , posted on 17 December 2002
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These are a few screenshots from the game I just developed for my class
CS248 (Intro to Computer Graphics) here at Stanford. Currently, the
terrain is read in from a 4096x4096 heightmap, however over the next few
months, I hope to create handful of algorithms that can randomly create
highly realistic looking terrain. The terrain is tessellated in real
time using a view dependent LOD algorithm similar to ROAM, and for the
moving cameras (ie: cannonball chase cam), geomorphing is used to hide
the obnoxious "popping" effect of switching levels of detail. The
shadows on the terrain are pre-computed at the start of the game,
allowing the shadows to be "baked" into the base terrain texture. This
process takes into account the ambient and diffuse components of the
sun, which gives the terrain a more organic feel... for example, the
terrain in the sunset environment has a redish hue. The cannon models
are then lit in real time by an OpenGL light source that has exactly the
same properties as that used to pre-light the terrain.
The game renders comfortably at or above 60 frames per second, even when
the picture-in-picture effect is activated (allowing you to see two
vantage points simultaneously). To see larger screenshots of the game
and read a bit more about it, please feel free to check out my site:
-Dan Kroymann