
Submitted by , posted on 11 December 2004
Image Description, by

These are a couple of screenshots from Dawnspire, a fast-paced tactical RPG
being developed by Silent Grove Studios. Our team consists of six people, two
programmers and four artists/animators/designers who have been working on this
in our spare time for about a year and a half, unfortunately it’s a scarce
resource but we’re slowly getting there =).
The graphics engine is DirectX 9 only and uses vertex and pixel shaders for just
about everything. Our target system at the moment is a 2GHz PC with a Radeon
9700 Pro level graphics card.
Some features:
Diffuse / Bump-mapped terrain built from a height map. Supports up to four
texture layers per node and vertex coloring.
Diffuse / Bump-mapped objects with specular highlights.
Projected cloud layer on terrain, objects and creatures.
Hemisphere lighting for ambience.
A mix of Stencil Shadows (using double sided stencil and extrusion on the
GPU) and “decal” shadows.
Skeletal animation
Animated grass and trees that bend in the wind.
Animated bump-mapped water (currently only reflecting the sky, in the
future we plan to have it reflect pretty much everything).
More information about the game and the team can be found at
/ Anders