
Submitted by , posted on 09 December 1999
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this is some screenshots from my new engine, BeamEngine, well I couldn't think
of a better name. I've been coding on it for a couple of months now, and it's
really starting to look like something nice.
Right now it has the nice features:
Hardware rendering through Direct3D
Octree subdividing
Mipmapping, created by engine to save diskspace
Lightmapping with raytraced lighting
Gouraud shaded/Environmentmapped objects
Collision detection (crappy)
Loading of ASC, BMM and MAP files.
Simple scripting (maybe to simple to be called scripts)
The screenshots shows the different lightmaps can do to a scene, it gives
it a much better 3d feeling. Anyway, you can download an older version of
my engine at http://come.to/coding_zone, in the beta zone.