
Submitted by , posted on 06 December 2002
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We are two students from Linköping, Sweden, that are working with our master thesis on game-AI and bot-development. As a part of the project we have developed an application (Total Unreal Studio,TUS) that is a platform for Unreal Tournament bots. The application supports several bots in a squad that work together. The squad then executes maneuvers that the bots in the squad carry out. The maneuvers that we have implemented is room-clearing, direct-attack, sneak-attack, regroup and pullback (leapfrog).
The top screenshot show the visual studio inspired GUI of the program that has a OpenGL display window where you can follow the bots, check bot-paths, watch node/waypoint information like snipingspot quality etc.
The in-game screenshot is from a Total Operation level where you can see six connected bots that work together in a squad.
TUS is created around the gamebots interface, developed at Carnegie Mellon University, that make it easy to send commands and receive
messages to/from a Unreal Tournament server. We are however using a modified version because we are using the Infiltration mod for Unreal Tournament. We also know that work on a version of the gamebots interface for UT2003 is in progress.
At our website you can find the sourcecode and and more screenshots.
/Bjorn and Johan