
Submitted by , posted on 05 December 2003
Image Description, by

My name is Miguel A. Osorio and I'm a member of SomniumStudio, a brazillian game studio. These are some screenshots taken from our techdemo, where we're displaying some of our engine's capabilities. Here are some of it's features:
Proprietary engine fully developed in-house.
SDL + OpenGL.
Hierarchical collision detection using OBB n-ary trees.
Shaders (currently implemented using only standard OpenGL pipeline, no vertex/fragment programs).
Multiple rendering passes for effects like gloss mapping and emissive texturing.
Advanced and highly flexible particle system.
Multiplatform (developed on a Linux environment).
The rendering subsystem is the only one currently implemented, but there will be support for sound, rigid-body dynamics, networking, GUI, AI, scripting, etc.
The engine has been in development for one year and a half (though I've only worked on my spare time), while the techdemo was assembled in about two months (also on our spare time). We are currently working on a space combat simulator using this technology.
To learn more about our game and about us, check out our site at http://www.somniumstudio.com. There are more screenshots available there, plus a movie showing the techdemo in action.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Miguel A. Osorio.