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You may remember my old IOTD of "Pong On Steroids". Well, I added more
features, more eye candy, multiple balls, more power-ups, more polygons, and
a better interface. Still some minor bugs, but it's geting close to being
finished. Currently I'm working on a level editor, and cleaning up my code,
so I'm not going to post a link to the latest build. Here's some nice
screenshots though. The first one is from an older version, but already with
ball halo, and lightmapping(the red underneath the ball) The second is one
of the latest! Notice the skybox (3D Studio Max rendered) and the
reflections of everything. I don't know if this is going to be resized, but
the framerate in the upper right corner is 58!
Next is the new interface with cool fonts, and a fully working(finally)
menu. The last shot, is when I was testing windowed mode. In a 640x480x32
window, I was getting 85 FPS!
Tim Lyakhovetskiy