
Submitted by , posted on 17 November 2000
Image Description, by

I've been experimenting with other things since the NeoTerra screen shot I
submitted a while ago... This new project is tentatively called nSpace, and is a
very Starfleet-Command "ish" game, with similar focus on tactical combat, etc. I
am trying to create an engine that is very cinematic and lends itself to
movie-style sequences of phasers searing and torpedoes exploding :)
The image above shows the Defiant and an Enterprise-A class starship taking
"chunks" out of a Borg cube. (All intellectual property in this picture is
copyright its original owner, and I am in no way going to use the Star
Trek-related material for personal profit.
Some of the features at this point include:
TnL accelerated VIPM, as ship models are around 20k polygons at their
Dynamic LOD, automatically scaled back triangle count.
Fully dynamic lighting on meshes, uses up to the full eight lights in
hardware for weapon effects.
Easily generated environment/background
Designed to be "moddable", so it can easily be changed to other Sci-Fi
Heavy use of DXTN for ships, using 1024x1024 textures
Lightmaps or illumination maps for ships
Dynamic damage "scars"
Missing features:
A HUD :)
Autodetection of TnL
Many other things graphicswise...
Better AI
I've put the demo up for download at my site, and I have compiled a TnL and
a non TnL version, though I am targeting polygon-crunching hardware ala GeForces
or Radeons. Also, you can run the demo without a DXTN capable card.... but it
won't be very pleasing because all ship textures will be corrupted.
Download the beta at: http://users.rcn.com/j.go/nSpaceDL.htm
Any feedback is appreciated,
Jared G. (j.go@rcn.com)