
Submitted by , posted on 11 November 2000
Image Description, by

= Flyby Version 0.8
= Written by Joshua Anderson
= janderso@cs.iastate.edu
= http://mithrandir42.tripod.com
This is the latest (read first) release of Flyby! A little demo I wrote
that shows off my terrain engine with one of the best views of a terrain one
can get; a flyby.
Hopefully the lines below will answer some people's questions before they
(but don't hesitate to ask any questions you do have)
The terrain was pre-generated by a program that I wrote (based on Musgrave's
The shading and shadows were generated by a simple raytracer (one
designed for height fields, it is quite simple).
The placement of "grass" and "snow" were also generated from the terrain
dataset. (although the algorithm allows for more than two types of
The actual grass texture was tiled into the texture by Paint Shop Pro
(I'm hoping I can make this automatic too (if I find the time))
The terrain rendering system is a based on the paper on quadtree terrain
rendering by Rottger, Heidrich, et all.
Oh, and credit for the model goes to some unamed person who submitted it to
the free section at www.3dcafe.com
What the next version may or may not hold:
If you pay attention, you will notice terrain "popping". Writing
geomorphing code is the next thing on my list.
It really needs a sky
BIGGER areas (memory is the current limitation, I'm working on a
caching system)
more/better textures
memory consumption (I'm currently using 3 or 4 bytes a vertex that I
don't need to be).
maybe a cockpit view? hmmmmmmmm....... I'll have to write it and
see what it looks like to fly between mountain peaks that fast