
Submitted by , posted on 09 November 2000
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Well, an IOTD to show the "almost" working HL rendering code :))
The map is avanti.bsp from the latest version of TFC. Currently, having a
few problems with the lightmapping, I am almost certain the texcoords for
the lightmap are correct, the lightmaps themselves are now ok (I had a
problem with gluScaleImage and gluBuild2DMipmaps causing a bug in the
lightmaps for non power of two lightmaps (i.e. if it had to scale the
lightmaps up to 16x16 from say, 9x13, it screwed the whole thing up. I
wrote a little function to do the scaling and all was better (although
there is still some weird "banding" artifacts I havent gotten to the bottom
of yet).
This thing is more of an experiment than anything useful. It'll be used to
write out bsp files into 3ds format (along with multi textures for
lightmaps), partly as an exercise in exporting INTO 3ds max, and partly
because I kinda like lightmapped levels and know a lot of keen mappers.
One weird thing. Seems that Ive somehow inverted all the coords for the
maps, as the whole thing is in reverse (so all the textures read backwards
:)) I kinda like the effect tho.
If anyone has any experience with bsp loaders and has come across a
lightmap "banding" syndrome, and a fix for it, please pass the info on.