
Submitted by , posted on 30 October 2003
Image Description, by

Grretings from Malaysia. My name is Hafiz bin Awang
Pon. This is a screenshot taken from my current
personal project. It's an attempt to make my own FPS
Engine. Current features are;
Portal Based Rendering
Basic Collision Detection
Lightmaps and Hardware Lights
The levels was created purely in 3ds Max and exported
with a custom plug-in. My target is to make sure
everything for a level is define-able using 3ds Max.
Currently sectors, portals, lights (both for
lightmapping and hardware light), collision mesh,
skybox are defined using 3ds Max. Future plan includes
user define-able entities that can be placed in 3ds
Max and extract-able through the engine using some
high-level api. The idea is so that the renderer and
the actual game engine can be isolated to a certain
extent (at least that's the plan).