
Submitted by , posted on 28 October 2000
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Some screens from my engine, Foo3D. It's just something i've been playing with
to learn direct3d. It's grown a bit, and now i'm thinking of doing som sort of a
adventure game.
So far:
loads 3ds files + generates mipmaps from .bmp-files
skybox (i've borrowed the skybox textures from a skybox tutorial *sorry, i
can't remember the name of the guy who made them!*)
uses a layers to draw materials, for instance i can have a base texture, and
then an environment map, and then some other texture etc. Blending modes are
included in the layers. (So it's some sort of very crappy shader thingy)
direct3d lighting (real impressive feature, isn't it ;))
uses vertex buffers, to speed up multipass rendering, and when you have
hardware TnL
Next step is visibility culling and lightmaps (and cleaning up my shitty code
I get around 150-200 fps on my Geforce2 MX and Celeron 400. (~4000 faces in
/Simon Jacoby