
Submitted by , posted on 24 October 2001
Image Description, by

I just finished writing a new particle system. I just wnat to know what you
guys think about it's design. The concept is as follows:
There is a component that handles creation and destruction of individual
particles using some heaps of used and unused particles to avoid new and
delete opertators to be called to often. Then there are some components
called emitters that emits particles in different ways: point emitters, box
emitters, etc. Then to handle particle updates, there is an interface that
can overritten and that is called by the first component for each active
particle active in the system. The interface for update gets an pointer to
the particle and a time slice. This way you can write what updaters you
The demo can be downloaded from http://www.geocitities.com/whiteblobs/ps.zip
It requires DX8, but the concept can be ported to OGL also.