
Submitted by Dion, posted on 22 October 2000
Image Description, by Dion

Here is an image from the Terrain System that I currently am working on. Some
features/bugs are:
1. No detail texturing yet. That will be next.
2. Textures are blending at run-time (ala Black&White)
3. Quad-tree culling of data
4. Not really at all optimized yet.
5. Number of base textures used for texture blending is unlimited.
6. Texture caching to get some frame to frame coherence of texture generation.
7. Simple LOD that has a bit of popping. (Crappy)
8. Skybox sky
9. Uses Direct3D
Right now it's running around 30-40 fps on a PII-350 with a Voodoo3 3000 with
16MB of RAM at 640x480x16bpp. I will get around to optimizing it soon enough.
Right now there are too many texture state changes as well as the fact that I'm
not batching my primitives into a vertex buffer.
If anyone is interested I can always post a demo for download somewhere. I
can't guarantee that it will work on many video cards though. I wish Nvidia or
3Dfx or ATI would send me new generation cards. That would be sweet.
-Dion Picco
aka: Draigan