
Submitted by , posted on 15 October 2003
Image Description, by

I just thought about submitting a current snapshot of a little hobby
project I am currently developing. Basically it’s supposed to become a
XBOX Chess game. Unfortunately I don’t have a dev kit so I have to stick
to the information available from other XBOX projects (XBMP etc.).
However a big emphasis is put on compatibility with Windows as well
(which is really no big deal as the XBOX is pretty much a Windows 2000 /
DirectX environment). It’s pretty close to a first release (under the
GPL) and so I thought about posting this image...
The artwork (except the chessboard) is actually downloaded from 3D Café
and converted with 3DSMAX wo a costum file format. No pixel shaders are
used up to now (although the engine design already allows for that).
Nothing funky is going on right now since the engine is in pretty early
development right now. Future plans include depth shadow mapping,
animated figures and network play.
If you have any ideas don’t hesitate to drop a line to