
Submitted by , posted on 10 October 2003
Image Description, by

This is a project S16 (Sykorsky-16), a flight simulator of the 1st World War.
Here is a brief info about the engine:
Physical engine (developing): --- Aircraft physics engine:
Based upon rigid body dynamics and aerodynamics.
Collision uses collision convex volumes
Areodynamics uses an active planes for forces computation
Almost any model of aircraft can be simulated
Graphic engine (developing), uses Direct3D:
--- Terrain render engine:
Maximum terrain sector size: 2048x2048. Final size of sector file up to 1Mb
(100*100 Kilometers of terrain is about 100Mb (with terrain detail 10 Meters))
Terrain block size: up to 32 map pixels
Terrain shaded with lightmaps. Terrain casts shadows.
Bump mapping
Terrain render uses Pixel Shaders, 4 texture stages: 1 - Light map; 2 * User
defined textures; 3 - Generated grass\cliff\snow textures; 4 - User defined bump
Unlimited count of trees and reasonable framerates (about 100 fps without
water (Forest square is about 10*10 Kilometers)). Rendered with shadow maps. The
size of result file does not depend upon quantity of trees. The engine uses 3
types of render techniques, which depend on optimization factor:
1st - detail trees render (sphere trees technique or tree models), distance
2nd - imposter trees via VertexShader (integrated into VertexShader)+Bump map,
distance 2Km
3rd - planar tree maps+Bump map, distance - unlimited
Dynamical sky lighting (24 hours), background cubemap support also.
Clouds. Use billboards.
Lakes. Uses offset bump mapping for fast computation. Dynamical reflection,
transparency, specular highlights, fresnel effect as well.
--- Model render engine
Bump mapping with specular highlights
Of course, blended bones for animation
Uses PixelShaders
Shadow volumes computation via VertexShaders
Developed under VC6.0,
Any comments and questions refer to regmail@hotbox.ru