
Submitted by , posted on 09 October 2002
Image Description, by

This image is from my game in development called Proxima Rebellion. It will
feature combat action and some strategy with land, air and sea units. It is
currently in a very early but playable stage of development.
The program was written in C++ using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, and uses
DirectX 8.1. OpenGL compatability may be planned in the future.
The project began back in December of 2001 simply as a way for me to learn
my way around Direct3D, and as a challenge to myself to see if I could
really implement such things as 3D rendering, collision detection, physics
and AI. The design goals for the game continue to evolve and become more
ambitious as I progress and learn more. So far it has been a very
challenging and educational experience. I have a degree in Electrical
Engineering, which has given me the strong foundation in the mathematics
necessary for developing a 3D game.
While the game is fairly simple and action-oriented in its current demo
form, I hope to add elements of strategy in the future to eventually make it
a hybrid shooter/RTS game along the lines of Battlezone and Uprising, with a
little inspiration from the classic Carrier Command.
The website for the game is at http://home.nycap.rr.com/bser/game.htm. An
early stage concept demo is available for download.
Contributing artists' websites are at http://www.lizard.clara.net and
http://www.slaor.com .