
Submitted by , posted on 02 October 2002
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Inspired by all the recent poly reduction bump screenshots (hint: Doom3)
I tried to achieve a similar look with existing geometry and this is the
result. The image shows Klesk and Tank Jr. from Quake3 on the left
without normal map and on the right with normal mapping applied. For
calculating the normal map I convert the diffuse texture to greyscale
when I load the model and use that as a heightmap for normal map
generation. This works since artists tend to paint lighting information
into the textures. Since they can't assume a particular light
direction/position or the model would look wrong when placed into a
scene, the luminance information (from the greyscale bitmap) is suitable
for normal map generation. To apply the normal maps you have to
duplicate some vertices (those where the texture is mirrored). The demo
is part of my testbed that you can download at www.chengine.com. All you
have to do is to set the q3a variable in the test.set file correctly to
your Quake3 root directory. It should run on all cards with 2 texture
units and DOT3 support although I've only tested it on my GeForce2MX.