
Submitted by , posted on 29 September 2003
Image Description, by

These screenshots are taken from my current project, Xenos.
This is a technical demonstration project, showcasing a new algorithm allowing
fast visualisation of geometrically complex terrains.
Xenos uses an extremely fast preprocessing stage to allow complex surface
geometry and contours to be visualised using a combination of large polygons,
dynamic normal mapping and layered textures, allowing very large view distances
without the need for fogging or limiting clipping planes.
The screenshots demonstrate how geometric surface detail (down to the level of
individual per-pixel brush strokes from the paint package used to create the
heightmap) can be represented without recourse to large poly counts or custom
As view position moves closer, extra geometry is introduced seamlessly, to the
end that the detail visualised from distance can then be freely explored at
close quarters.
The engine also employs LOD in the form of a hybrid approach, mixing elements of
split-only ROAM and Geomipmapping, together with unique variation analysis to
allow important detail elements to be preserved at large viewing distances, as
well as allowing seamless changes of patch LOD without the need for
edge-traversal or vertex rearrangement to prevent mesh tearing.
This demo currently renders a 1024x1024 heixel map at ~200 fps on a 1300 Celeron
system with Geforce-3 Ti-200 without any form of frustrum or occlusion-based
culling mechanism.
If you have any further questions, feel free to mail me.