
Submitted by , posted on 27 September 2000
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This is a little bit update version of my experimental voxel space engine,
it's using now GLUT instead of LibAUX, also i've put FOG, and was adjusting
colors and other stuff. Next thing i will do is mixing more than one
texture into heightfield (currently only one is used). My idea is using
OpenGL to gain the same quality of my previous software engine at
Currently this engine (384KB) can be downloaded from
Though it's experimental, and not 6DOF, it can be used for writting
some RETRO fighters, or just simple heightfield viewer.
Heightfield is 1024x1024, but actually 2048x2048, becuase i've done
mipmaps for it (non-uniform). Cause algorigthm used is using heightfield
slicing (like texture mapping), and there will be aliasing when a lot of
height field pixels must be skipped, so i've put mipmapping.
Source is available on request at malkia@mindless.com or malkia@digitald.com