
Submitted by , posted on 27 September 1999
Image Description, by

Thanks to the help of some truly incredible people here at www.flipcode.com
I've finally begun to write some nice radiosity code. This image is one of
many I've taken with the latest version of my engine, zViewer, the next
version of which will be available for download at
http://members.home.com/droyer/zeditor/index.html on the 1st of October.
Above the camera's position are two lit walls, one green, one red and just
around the corner ahead of the camera is a large red light. If you look
closely at the bottom of the ramp you'll see some black triangles, that is
because some of the patches that are used to sample light on the wall are
partially outside the model. I hope to soon have some way of compensating
for that and perhaps even adaptive subdivision.