
Submitted by , posted on 11 September 1999
Image Description, by

This is a pic from Epilogue; A 3D strategy game. Epilogue features:
Vast landscapes
Direct 3D redering
Can be run in a window
Realtime 3D menu's
Resolutions up to 1600x1200
You can zoom in and out; you can rotate;
Different times you play in... Starting with very primitive units, while in the end you 'll be able to build modern units
Alpha blended tiles, allowing very nice landscapes (in this shot only 2 different terraintypes: later more than 16 different terrain types will be used)
Sky reflecting in the water (not yet in this shot :)
Shadows (not yet in this shot either:)
The fov in this screenshot is still a little to high, but that 'll be adjusted!! :)